Bere Regis Village Website

Robsons 1835 Description of Bere Regis

Bere Regis, a village and parish in the hundred of Bere Regis, 8 miles from Blandford, and a 112 from London , contained, in 1831, 1,170 inhabitants, and was assessed to 1,993, in 1815.

It is supposed to have been the site of the Roman Station called Ibernium, and Woodbury Hill, in the immediate neighbourhood, that of the Castra station, or summer encampment for this district.
It still retains traces of a large encampment, and commands a most extensive view of the Isle of Perwickpool, and Studland Bay.
A fair is held on this hill annually, which lasts five days, beginning on the 18th of September.
It is chiefly for cloth, sheep, cheese, pedlary, and amusement.

It appears to have been at one time a place of some consequence. Queen Elfrida retired here for concealment, after the assassination of her son-in-law, Edward the Martyr.
It was also the residence of King John, who granted it a market by charter, and was made a borough in the reign of Edward I.

It was nearly consumed by fire in the years of 1634 and 1788. The living is a vicarage, having the chapelry of Winterbourne Kingston attached in the patronage of Baliol College, Oxford, value 25l 5s K.B. and 400l in 1835.

The church accommodates 600 persons.
There is a chapel here for Wesleyan Methodists and Independents, and a charity school, founded by Thomas Williams, Esq. for educating and clothing eight boys annually.

Cardinal Morton, who occupies a distinguished place in the annals of the reign of Henry VII., was born in this town.

See the names that are on record below -
Name, Profession
ASH Bryer, Carpenter
BABRICK John, Shoemaker
BILES Wm., Blacksmith
BURGE R, Grocer and Tallow Chandler
CASE G & H, Linen and Woollen Drapers & Tea Dealers
CASHER Jno, Royal Oak and Brewer
CHARD Geo., Tailor
CLARK Jonathan, Draper and Grocer
COAKES Mark, Shopkeeper
DIBDEN Geo, Beer Retailer
DIBDEN Geo, Butcher
DRAKE J.S.W.S. Esq.,
GALLOP Joshua, Shopkeeper
GALLOP Mary, Post Mistress
GALTON H, Cabinet maker & Joiner & Shopkeeper
GOULD Sarah, Beer Retailer
GOULD Thos., Baker & Shopkeeper
HAWKER J. S., Schoolmaster
HIBBS Edw., Baker
HIBBS Edwd., Blacksmith
HOMER Geo., Shopkeeper
HOUSE, Henry Carpenter
LANE Wm., Shoemaker
LEY Rev C., Vicar
NORTHOVER Wm., Plumber & Glazier
NOTT Thos., Surgeon
RADCLIFFE Chas. Esq., (Byde - residence)
SHAVE Jno., Harness maker
VIVIAN Jno., Drakes Arms
WELCH Jno., Shoemaker
WHITEHALL Jno., Carpenter
WHITE Henry Beer Retailer
WINDSOR Jno., Ironmonger
WOOLFREYS Jno., Shoemaker