July 2023
The Parish Council met on Thursday 13th July 2023 in the Village Hall.
8 members of the public were present.
Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start.
If you are unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
Parish Council Vacancy
We are delighted to welcome Rachel Payne to the Parish Council.
She has very kindly offered to act as Community Speed Watch Co-ordinator and assist with the Traffic Focus Group.
Village Meeting – July 15th
This was very well attended and each of the four presentations were well received and will be available on the Parish Council website.
Over 100 residents attended the Wyatt Homes event in the afternoon and the link to their consultation website is also available on the Parish Council website.
It is hoped that another meeting will be held towards the end of this year, or very early next year, to bring everyone up to date with the progress of the various sites and the Neighbourhood Plan Review.
Mays Wood path
The issue of the closed path has been raised on a number of occasions.
Tilhill, the company that manages the site, have confirmed that the fenced area will not be reopened to the public for the time being.
It is their intention to review the situation at the end of September and decide whether or not to reopen it.
However, should they decide to reopen, it will be necessary to keep dogs under control at all times and clear up after them or the site will be closed on a permanent basis.
Road Safety Review Group
Since the last newsletter, six people have put their names forward to assist with the Community Speed Watch and this will now be going ahead.
The volunteers are currently being DBS checked by the Police and will then undertake the necessary training.
To have six volunteers is great but more would mean additional Speed Watches could be undertaken.
If you are able to assist with this incredibly effective speeding deterrent, please contact the Clerk.
Communibus Trips
These are proving incredibly popular and the bus is now out almost every week.
The programme for the remainder of the year is as follows:
Aug 23rd Mystery Tour - £10 Depart 10am
Sept 6th Upton Country Park & Poole Quay - £10 Depart 10am
Sept 20th Bournemouth Gardens - £10 Depart 10am
Oct 3rd Weymouth Home Bargains, B&M & Goulds - £10 Depart 10am
Oct 16th Sherborne - £12 Depart 9am
Oct 31st Salisbury Market - £12 Depart 10am
Nov 8th Ottery St Mary - £12 Depart 9.30am
Nov 21st Tower Park, B&M & The Range - £10 Depart 10am
Dec 6th Palmer’s Nursery - £10 Depart 10am
Dec 18th Xmas Lunch & Lights - £10 Depart 1pm
To book please contact Kim Benjafield on 01929 471170
Departure from Bere Regis Dental Surgery, Manor Farm Road
We are indebted to Kim Benjafield for all the work she puts in to cleaning the bus and getting it ready for each trip and to our volunteer drivers, without whom the communibus would not operate.
We do need more drivers though. If you are able to offer your services, please contact the Clerk.
Like the Communibus, this is an invaluable parish initiative, but it is desperately in need of volunteer drivers.
We have somewhere in the region of 160 clients but only 6 drivers at the moment.
Please, please, if you can give a couple of hours a month or whenever you are able, please put your name forward as a driver.
You will not be committing to any regular drives.
You will only be committing to receiving an email when people need assistance and, if you are able to help, then respond to the email.
It’s as simple as that.
Without you, this initiative will most definitely close and that would be such a shame.
Please contact the Clerk if you can help.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the held on Thursday 10th August 2023 commencing 7pm at the Village Hall.
If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion, please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council by the end of June.