February 2022
The Parish Council met on Thursday 10th February 2022 in the Drax Hall. One member of the public was present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 10th March 2022.
Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start.
If you are unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
North Street Gate
A proposal regarding the gate and surrounding area had been submitted to Highways.
Unfortunately, they do not have the budget to undertake any such work and, should we wish to proceed, Parish Council will have to pay for it.
This will be put forward to the next meeting but, in the meantime, a group of volunteers, led by Cllr Bates, have offered to tidy the vegetation and hedge around the area.
Post Office
The Parish Council is pleased to see that work has started on converting the building next door to the Nisa shop to facilitate the reopening of the Post Office as part of the shop.
We extend our thanks to everyone involved and look forward to having a Post Office in the village again.
Village Walks Leaflet
Mike Gee has kindly offered to undertake a project to complement the existing walks leaflets, using a combination of way marking, notice boards and modern technology to make the walks as available to all as possible.
This led to discussion on whether a village information board should be located opposite the play park as many visitors start their walks from this point.
However, this could be seen as encouraging parking in an area that can be congested.
Further discussion will be held, and consideration given to an additional board on Souls Moor.
Wild Woodbury
At this point, the management of the allotments has not yet been passed to the Parish Council and we await a copy of the proposed licence for review. Dorset Wildlife Trust are setting up a Community Liaison Group and Cllr Robin Pitcher will act as the Parish Council’s representative.
It is understood that the Group will meet every three months on the Court Green site.
One barn has been cleared and will have the electrics sorted to enable meetings to be held there.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
To facilitate the village street party on Saturday 4th June, an application is being submitted to close the section of West Street from Manor Farm Road to North Street from mid-day until early evening.
Residents affected by this closure have been notified. Dorset Wildlife Trust have very kindly agreed to allow parking on their site during the various events over the weekend.
Those residents who do not have off road parking in the area of the street party will be asked to move their vehicles to Court Farm for the afternoon.
It is hoped that Commemorative Mugs will be purchased for all children under the age of 16 living in the parish.
If you live in the parish and have children that fit this category, please contact the Clerk by email in order to reserve a mug.
There may also be some mugs available to purchase.
Community Speed Watch
Wednesday 19th January; Old School 11am -12pm: Total number of vehicles 350; of which 46 were travelling in excess of 30mph and 10 exceeded 36 mph.
Friday 28th January; Court Green 2pm-3pm: Total number of vehicles 473; of which 63 were travelling in excess of 30mph and 6 exceeded 36 mph.
Wednesday 2nd February; Old School 11am -12pm: Total number of vehicles338; of which 44 were travelling in excess of 30mph and 3 exceeded 36mph.
Angie and Ian Wright, who have done such a wonderful job setting up the Speed Watch and undertaking the co-ordination, have sadly informed us that they will be moving.
This means, in order to keep this incredibly valuable initiative going, we need a new co-ordinator.
The effect the CSW team have on the speed of traffic is noticeable and it would be a great shame to lose them.
As well as acting as a deterrent to speeding, the CSW enables the Parish Council to collect data to support future traffic calming requests, as well as enabling the Dorset Police Mobile Speed Camera Team to attend the area more frequently.
Our grateful thanks are extended to Angie and Ian for all they have done.
They will be sadly missed but we wish them well for the future.
Parish Lengthsman
Most residents are aware that we are in the very fortunate position that we have a Lengthsman but perhaps not many know what he actually does. Here is a breakdown of the work he undertook for the parish during January.
43 hours at the Cemetery keeping the grass and hedges neatly cut at all times, clearing litter, and maintaining the graves and marking plots for new burials as well as installing the new bench.
54 hours at the play area undertaking maintenance of all the play equipment and carrying out necessary repairs, litter picking the area and carrying out weekly inspections.
11 hours clearing litter and fly tipping from around the parish, emptying litter bins and taking it to the tip.
26 hours repairing and installing four benches around the village, including preparing their concrete bases, and starting repairs on the bench at Southbrook.
12 hours clearing paths, including along Rye Hill, removing the leaves and clearing the gutter.
Other duties include opening and closing the cemetery every day, keeping the Cross and central car park tidy and litter free, maintaining the verges around the village and collecting recycling from around the village.
His duties vary depending on the time of year and what events or issues arise.
Had we not got a Lengthsman, much of the work he does would have to be done by Dorset Council or volunteers.
This means, rather than have someone who can respond instantly, any defect would have to be logged with Dorset Council and then could take over a month before anything was done.
Wildlife Group
The Wildlife Group have continued their winter tasks which have been mainly clearing scrub between the newly surfaced streamside walk and the stream.
We are very pleased with the help we are getting from a number of new volunteers and a big thank you to them.
As well as scrub clearance a disconcerting number of empty wine bottles were found on the last working party session.
We understand that there are other sites where discarded bottles have been found.
We would ask everyone to take their litter home and safeguard our beautiful nature reserve and the environment for which many residents work so hard.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 10th March 2022, commencing 7pm at the Drax Hall.