Bere Regis Village Website

Bere Regis Parish Council Monthly Report


January 2015 Meeting

Your Parish Council met for its monthly meeting on Thursday 8th January 2015.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 12th February 2015, at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.

All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Public Participation

We were very pleased to be joined by 21 members of the public, by Colin Eversden, the Project Manager for the new school and by our PCSO, Luke Taylor.

Colin Eversden gave an update on the progress towards a new school, focusing particularly on the problems around the re-design of the Southbrook junction to allow the access drive to be built for construction traffic.

At December’s meeting he had been asked to initiate a survey of the lime tree at the Southbrook junction to see if the tree could be moved.

He quoted extensively from the report that had been produced on 29th December 2014 by Steve Maros MA; BSc (Hons) Arb a professionally qualified tree inspector.

Mr Maros’s report (which is available to be seen by contacting the clerk) categorises the condition of the tree as ‘fair’ which is defined as ‘generally healthy, some defects, limited life expectancy’.

He states that the tree has a Safe Useful Life Expectancy of ‘10-20 years (tree has obvious structural or cultural problems that cannot be rectified and decline is likely to continue)’.

He states that ‘The tree is too large to be moved and replanted’.

A discussion then ensued on the topic of the removal of the tree.

A number of members of the public spoke of the need to move swiftly to ensure that the new school proceeds to plan, in order not only to provide better facilities for our children, but also to overcome the potentially dangerous traffic issues of Rye Hill, and that, regrettably, the lime tree would need to be removed.

One member of the public suggested, that if it was possible, the timber from the tree could be used to create a something for the school, perhaps a bench for the playground, as an enduring memorial.

It was re-iterated that the council should look to plant a replacement tree on council, or school land in due course.

Other matters raised by members of the public included mention of another incident involving an aggressive dog, some comments on the Council’s budget, parking in West Street and the appropriateness of Facebook as a medium of discussion on Council matters.

Neighbourhood Plan Update

The council received an update from the steering group that:

The Council’s analysis of responses to the Neighbourhood plan questionnaire is in final draft form and would go out to all households in the parish shortly.

We are awaiting guidance from PDC on the implications of the change in policy announced in the Autumn about sites of fewer than 10 dwellings without a requirement for affordable homes.

We will be engaging again with the landowners of the potential housing sites, particularly the Drax estate, to obtain agreement in principle to our proposals.

The New School and the Southbrook Junction

Following the contributions made by members of the public to the debate about the re-design of the Southbrook junction, the council agreed that it stood by its difficult decision to support DCC’s request to remove the Lime Tree.

The suggestions to try to use the timber from the tree and to plant a replacement were enthusiastically endorsed.

Lengthsmans Contract

The Lengthsman’s contract is presently up for review.

Full details have been advertised and are available from the clerk.

Wessex Water Grant

We are delighted to announce that Wessex Water have given us a ‘Watermark’ award of £350 towards the provision of a water supply for grazing on Souls Moor.

Play Park

The children of the parish will, I hope, be pleased to know that the new slide was installed at the end of December.


The Council was please to give a grant of £150 towards a defibrillator to be installed at the Sports Club.

Parish Council Vacancy

As has been advertised, we have a vacancy for one councillor and we would urge everybody who is enthusiastic about working for the good of the parish to put their names forward.

If we have more than one applicant there will be a simple and informal selection process leading to co-option.

Everyone who comes forward is guaranteed a place, if not on the council itself, then on one of our many sub-groups where your contribution will be just as valued.

Ian Ventham


February 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 12th February 2015 at the Drax Hall.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 12th March at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.

All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Public Participation

We were very pleased to be joined by 34 members of the public, by Colin Eversden, the Project Manager for the new school and by our PCSO Jake Williams.

There was discussion about a recent incident of unruly behaviour by a number of young people outside the Royal Oak pub.

Margo Kirk then spoke about extending the Bus2Go scheme to Bere Regis (please see the advert in the Parish Mag).

We were pleased to welcome Mr Rob Asprey of Hastoe Housing Association who outlined a possible affordable housing development that might be brought forward for planning consent on a rural exception site at the end of Shitterton.

Numbers of residents were able to raise queries about the proposal.

Neighbourhood Plan Update

The council received an update from the steering group that:

The council’s response to the returned questionnaires had been sent to every household in the village.

Various individuals who had raised specific queries had been invited to contact members of the steering group. None had done so to date.

A further letter had been sent to the representatives of the Drax Estate.

Lengthsmans Contract

Two applicants had applied to take on the Lengthsman’s role.

Interviews will be held in March.


The Council was pleased to give a grant of £250 towards the Bere Regis Show and Scarecrow Festival

Parish Council Vacancy

There are now two vacancies on the Parish Council and three people had so far put themselves forward. The deadline for the submitting yourself for election is 28th February, so we urge all who would like to serve our community to put their names forward by then.

After that the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

A selection process will be put in place in March.

Elder Road Open Space

The second work party arranged to open up the overgrown woodland area along the stream by the streamside walk took place on 7th February.

About 40 metres have been cleared and selected willow trees pollarded.

It was found that they were only 20-24 years old and had rotten centres.

This has shown how important this management is.

They will re-grow after this treatment.

We were joined by two conservation officers from DWT and at their advice some areas close to the stream are being left to allow some partial shading of the stream.

This will allow variations in the light level on the stream to provide a better diversity of habitat. Another work party is arranged for the 7th March.

We hope more volunteers will join us then.

NeighbourCar Scheme

This scheme is proving itself to be of huge value to our less mobile residents.

In the 3 months of November and December 2014, and January 2015, there were 74 journeys undertaken to Dorchester, Poole, Wareham, Salisbury and elsewhere.

Drivers are still badly needed.

If you are able to offer help as a driver, or if you want more information, please call Brenda House on 01929 471 255.

Ian Ventham


March 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 12th March 2015 at the Drax Hall.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th April at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.

All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.


Although the scheme itself is running incredibly well and proving to be very popular, more drivers are still needed, particularly as we look to introduce free trips within the village for residents unable to get to the shop, doctors, post office etc.

If you’re at home during the week, with a car, and could spare a couple of hours per week then please do contact Brenda House on 01929 472155.


After interviewing applicants for the role, it was decided that the next contract would be awarded to the current lengthsman, Tony King.

We will be introducing a quarterly report detailing the valued work carried out by Tony throughout the parish.


The Council was pleased to give a grant of £200 to Autumn Leaves towards the costs of speakers at their upcoming calendar of events.

Parish Council Vacancy

The Parish Council was delighted to offer Bere Regis resident Matthew Richter, one of the vacant spaces on the council.

Due to other applicants being unable to attend, the other vacancy will be carried forward to a vote at the next meeting.

Notice Boards

Councillor Bates gave a brief presentation on the proposed information boards which will be positioned around the village, most notably in the village centre, boardwalk area, Souls Moor and Hyde.

Design concepts were discussed and it was agreed that the materials for the signs would be ordered.

Any villagers who want to share thoughts or ideas for the signs are more than welcome to contact either Cllr Bates or Cllr Pitcher.

Dog Mess

This has again cropped up as an ongoing problem.

There is little we can do to stop this other than plead with residents to bag it up and bin it when you’re on a walk.

A small effort such as this makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of others walking in the area.

Cemetery Charges

Having stayed stationery for at least 3 years, it was agreed that all costs related to the cemetery for interments, monuments or rights, be increased by 10% across the board.

The new charges will take effect from 1st April 2015 and can be obtained by contacting the clerk and will be posted on the Parish Council web site.

Play Park Fencing

Following on from the new fence along the Elder Road side of the Play Park,

it was agreed that the remainder of the fence should also be replaced.

Anybody wishing to submit a quote should contact Cllr Bennett, on 07812 991166 in the first instance to receive the specification.

Christmas Trees

These are now available to order for Christmas 2015 from the Clerk!

Please return your green slips to the Clerk, together with your £5 to avoid disappointment.

Ian Ventham


April 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 9th April 2015 at the Drax Hall.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 14th May at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.

All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.


Following last month’s plea for new drivers, we are delighted that there were 4 enquiries, but could always do with more.

If you’re at home during the week, with a car, and could spare a couple of hours per week then please do contact Brenda House on 01929 472155.


Lengthsman Tony King has now been formally appointed as the new Bere Regis Lengthsman for the coming 3 years.

He has, with the assistance of Tim Sadd, been working in the role for some time and they are both now well known around the village.

The Lengthsman is contracted by the Parish Council for 26 hours a week.

His key responsibilities are the maintenance of the cemetery, the upkeep of the play park, and ensuring the Elder Road area is kept neat and tidy.

Alongside this, he is responsible for maintaining and repairing finger posts, street signs, and benches to name but a few functions of his role.

One of the not so pleasant responsibilities is that of clearing up the litter and dog mess from the paths and play areas.

In the first 3 months of this year, Tony and Tim spent more than 18 hours on this job alone.

With the limited hours they have, their time could be better spent on more important tasks so, please, pick up your litter and clean up after your dog.

The Lengthsman’s top 4 for the last quarter was: 100hrs working on the Elder Road site, 70.75 hours working at the cemetery, 18.75 hours picking up litter and clearing dog mess, 9 hours making and repairing finger posts and signs.

Lime Tree Wood

There is a small amount of wood available from the Lime Tree that was removed from Southbrook, if anybody wishes to have some for remembrance or carving purposes. Please contact the clerk, on the contact details above if you would like to have some. This will be issued on a first come, first served basis until it has all been used. There has already been some set aside for the school to make a memento from.

Parish Council Vacancy

Following a very close vote between the 2 applicants for the remaining Parish Council vacancy, Suzie Hamilton was duly elected onto the council.

The other applicant, Dominic Bishop, has been asked to assist the council with various sub-committees and in other areas.

Parish Council Monthly Minutes

From this month, a full set of minutes from each meeting will be available to read in both the Post Office and the Doctors’ Surgery.

If anybody requires a copy of a set of minutes then please contact the Clerk.

World War One Talk

The next in our series of World War One talks will be on Thursday 16th May at the Drax Hall and is titled “Courage without Glory: The British Army on the Western Front 1915”.

Tickets are £2.50 again with under 16s free and are available now from the Clerk.

Christmas Trees

Christmas in May? Bonkers!

However, trees for outside decoration only are now available to order for Christmas 2015 from the Clerk! Please return your green slips to the Clerk, together with your £5 to avoid disappointment.

Bryan Benjafield

May 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 14th May 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 11th June at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Parish Meeting

Before our regular Council meeting, we held our annual Parish Meeting, an opportunity for Parish organisations and individuals to meet us, discuss their previous year and raise any issues.
We had a nice turnout and thank those who made the time to come along.
Our Chairman also presented a report on the Council’s activities in the last year, a copy of which is available on our Website and the Bere Regis Facebook Group.
Our monthly meetings are always open to the public and we welcome anyone who would like to come along.

Re-Election of Offices

As this meeting was our AGM, we went through the process of re-electing our Chairman and Vice-Chairman, with Ian Ventham and Robin Pitcher kindly standing again in their respective positions.
The Council also appointed new members to the Finance, Planning and Neighbourhood Plan group, as well as PACT, Speedwatch and Business Group representatives.

VE Day Celebration

We were delighted to see over 60 people attend the VE Celebration on Friday 8th May to commemorate the end of Second World War in Europe. The lighting of the Beacon and ringing of our Church Bells made it a memorable event. See further in the magazine for a selection of photos of the evening.

Parish Council Vacancy

Due to the previously co-opted Councilor being unable to accept the position, the Council co-opted Dominic Bishop into the remaining vacancy.
We welcome Dominic and look forward to continuing with a full council once more.

Play Park Inspection

Recently, RoSPA (The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) carried out their annual inspection on our Play Park at Elder Road.
The park passed the inspection with a number of minor improvements noted, which our Lengthsman will be carrying out in due course.

Distgen Grant

We were delighted to receive another grant from Distgen, the owners of the wind turbine at Rogers Hill, for £6,196 to put towards Council use.
It was decided at the meeting that we would split the grant and put £3,500 towards the valuable village NeighbourCar and Salt and Pepper Lunch Club schemes, and the remaining £2,696 would go towards the much needed upgrade of the footpaths along Souls Moor to prepare for heavier use once the new school is open.

Christmas Trees

Final call for Christmas Trees!
The order for these will go through at the end of June, so if you would like to order one then please return your green slips to the Clerk, together with your £5 by the end of June to avoid disappointment.

Bryan Benjafield

June 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 11th June 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 9th July at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

West Street Bus Stops

During the period for public participation at the beginning of the meeting, there was a helpful and positive discussion on the proposal, put forward by Dorset County Council, to move the bus stops in West Street.
After hearing parishioners’ views on moving the stops, it was agreed we would invite a representative from both the Bus Company and Dorset County Council to attend the next meeting and explain the reasoning behind the proposal.
This would then enable us to make a more informed decision.
We would encourage any people who have an interest in this issue to attend our July meeting.

Safety Rail in Chapel Lane

Also in the period for public participation, residents from Woodbury Court raised concerns over the issues of children walking from the footpath in Chapel Lane, directly into the driveway to Woodbury Court.
It was agreed that the Parish Council would look into the costs of installing a safety rail between the path and the driveway to prevent instances like this from happening again.


Christine Whitfield reported that she had been appointed as the new Chair of the Banter Youth Group.
The Parish Council congratulated her on the appointment and wished her and the group well for the future.
We had already made an offer to fund the cost of their insurance up to the value of £200, and agreed that, if funding for this was sourced elsewhere, then we would be happy for them to come back with alternative funding requirements.

Village Walkabout

It was agreed that our annual walkabout would take place this year in August, with an exact date and location to be agreed at the next meeting.
This walkabout is an opportunity for the Council to see any issues that may have arisen in the village and find as many areas that we can help to improve as possible.
All parishioners are welcome to join us on the walk and we hope to have other representatives from local agencies along with our new MP, Michael Tomlinson, attending the walkabout.


The scheme is still thriving and this, as always, brings about the need for more drivers, particularly any who may be interested in helping and are based in our surrounding villages.
If you have a car and can spare any time at all in the day, then please contact Brenda House on 01929 472155 as your help would be greatly appreciated by those in the community who rely on this service to get them to appointments and carry out their regular tasks.

Salt & Pepper Lunch Club

Another initiative thriving under the direction of Brenda House, but again there’s a need for more volunteers. With over 60 members now, help is always needed at the monthly lunches.
If you can spare just a few hours on the third Thursday of each month to help serve food and clean up afterwards then please contact Brenda on 01929 472155 to volunteer your services.
Your help would make a massive difference.

Bryan Benjafield

July 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 9th July 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 13th August at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Parish Notice Boards

The Parish Council now has some portable notice boards, which are available to borrow for exhibitions and events should anyone want to.
Please contact the Clerk for further information.

Fibre Optic Broadband

Has now reached most of the Village!
To find out if you can get it at your address, simply go here. In most cases residents are finding this can actually work out cheaper than existing regular broadband packages.

Parish Council Vacancy

There is now a vacancy for a Parish Councillor.
We would urge everybody who is enthusiastic about working for the good of the parish to put their names forward.
If we have more than one applicant there will be a simple and informal selection process leading to co-option.

Village Walkabout

Before our next Council Meeting on 13th August, we will be partaking in our regular Village walkabout. Residents are more than welcome to join us and we also hope to be joined by our newly-elected local MP Michael Tomlinson.
The route sees us leaving The Drax Hall at 7pm, continuing up North Street, Snow Hill Lane and Tower Hill, continuing to Butt Lane, West Street and Elder Road before crossing Souls Bridge and moving through Souls Moor, Egdon Close, White Lovington and Green Close before heading back down Rye Hill to the Drax Hall to resume our usual meeting.
If you see us on our route and would like to ask us any questions or walk with us then your company would be welcome.

Considerate Parking

We would like to remind all residents that with on-road parking being particularly popular in certain areas of the village, parking your car considerately is of great help.
Leaving access, thinking of areas that may need disabled access and maximisation of the available spaces all help to keep a happy and harmonious community.

Buses and Parking

We discussed the issue of the Bus Stops, parking in West Street and general accessibility of the buses with a number of residents and a representative from Dorset County Council Highways department.
A number of possible improvements were discussed and we will continue to consult with DCC to come up with solutions and improve the situation to ensure that the valuable bus service to and from Bere Regis is not restricted or hampered in any way.

Bryan Benjafield

August 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 13th August 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 10th September at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Traffic & Parking in West Street

29 Parishioners came along to express views during the ‘public participation session’ on this matter, which was then also debated by councillors in the meeting.
A range of views were heard both from residents who relied on public transport for work and regular travel, as well as local businesses who feared that restricted parking could have a negative effect on their business.
The Council decided within the meeting to dwell a pause on the proposed parking restrictions, whilst we gather further data and research, along with speaking to the Bus Company to see whether alternative solutions could be discussed.
However it was noted that the Parish Council has a responsibility to seek a solution that tries to satisfy every demographic of the Parish if possible.
It was also decided to form a user group who can discuss this further, consisting of a mix of parish councillors, regular bus users and local business owners.

We would also like to take the opportunity to remind both residents and visitors to the village that if we can just park more considerately (closer to the pavement, away from junctions, not directly opposite larger vehicles, etc) then we may just be able to reduce this problem quite considerably.

Parish Council Vacancy

There is still a vacancy for a Parish Councillor which will be discussed at the September meeting. We would urge everybody who is enthusiastic about working for the good of the parish to put their names forward.
If we have more than one applicant there will be a simple and informal selection process leading to co-option.
Please contact the Clerk by Thursday 3rd September.

Village Walkabout

Due to the lengthy discussion on the traffic situation, we had to postpone our Village Walkabout, until the next meeting on Thursday 10th September.
The route will see us leaving The Drax Hall at 7pm, continuing up North Street, Snow Hill Lane and Tower Hill, continuing to Butt Lane, West Street and Elder Road before crossing Souls Bridge and moving through Souls Moor, Egdon Close, White Lovington and Green Close before heading back down Rye Hill to the Drax Hall to resume our usual meeting.
If you see us on our route and would like to ask us any questions or walk with us then your company would be welcome.

Bryan Benjafield

September 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 10th September 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 8thth October at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Village Walkabout

Prior to the regular meeting, the councillors conducted our annual Village Walkabout, taking in many areas of the village to ensure everyone has a good understanding of specific locations.

Traffic & Parking in West Street

Further to last month’s meeting, the West Street working group met, along with members of the business community and representatives from Dorset County Council, Highways and Damory Coaches.
It was agreed by all parties present that a reduced section of yellow lines, running between Cyril Wood Court and Church Lane would be an amicable solution that would solve the majority of the problems.
Therefore it was decided to proceed with this on a trial basis.
All residents in the local area will have a letter sent to them in due course informing them of this and we welcome any feedback of the trial.

Parish Council Vacancy

There is still a vacancy for a Parish Councillor which will be discussed at the October meeting.
We would urge everybody who is enthusiastic about working for the good of the parish to put their names forward.
If we have more than one applicant there will be a simple and informal selection process leading to co-option.
Please contact the Clerk by Wednesday 30th September.

Wessex Water Award

The Parish Council were presented with a grant of £650 from Wessex Water’s Grid Watermark scheme to help enhance the wildlife in the Bere Stream.
It is recognised by Wessex Water, the Dorset Wildlife Trust and others that our stream is exceptionally rich in aquatic wildlife such as the White-clawed crayfish, because of the water purity.
It is most important that there are a variety of habitats are retained within the stream.

World War One Talk

The next in our series of World War One talks will be on Saturday 8th November, 7.30pm at the Drax Hall. The Speakers will be Chris Copley of the Keep Museum, Dorchester and Phil Ventham of the Western Front Association and the title of the talk is "The Dorsets At Gallipoli, 1915”.
The Dorset Regiment's and the Dorset Yeomanry's part in the battle, plus research into the Bere Regis men who died there.
Tickets are £2.50 for over 16s and are available to order now from the clerk.

Bere Regis Primary School

We were informed at the meeting, in conjunction with letters that had gone out to parents, that due to a contractual dispute with the appointed contractor, further prices have had to be obtained with a new contractor appointed.
This has unfortunately resulted in a further delay, however the project team has made some good progress with the new builder and we expect the delay to be limited to about 3 months, so the target is now to start work on preparing the access road to the site in November.
We anticipate having the new school ready for use during the 2016 Autumn term.

Bryan Benjafield

October 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 8th October 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 12thth November at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Traffic & Parking in West Street

Further to another meeting of the West Street working group, a revised proposal for a reduced single yellow line along part of the North side of West Street was agreed.
Letters are going out to as many village residents as possible, a copy of which you can see here.
A map highlighting the change can be seen here.

Parish Council Vacancy

Following the withdrawal of other applicants, Lynn Fancy was co-opted on to the council.
We welcome Lynn on board and look forward to having a full compliment of councillors once more.

Award Winning NeighbourCar Scheme!

Our NeighbourCar scheme, providing vital community transport for those in need of it, was recognised recently with the Dorset Community Action – People’s Project Award!
Very deserved recognition goes to Brenda House the creative mind behind this project and who is the driving force, keeping the wheels turning.

As ever though the popularity of the scheme means it is in need of more drivers, particularly if you’re available during weekday hours.
All expenses are covered and even a couple of hours per week would be great.
If you’re interested please call Brenda House on 01929 472155

Village Car Park Relining

The council unanimously agreed to contribute towards the cost of relining the main village car park.
This process also includes the addition of 6 new parking spaces, and we are also pushing forward the improvements of the signage both from and to the car park.

Working Party for Conservation Area

As detailed elsewhere in the magazine, we will shortly be announcing some more dates for working parties to help with conservation work around the stream.
It would be fantastic if we can get some help from within the village and the dates will be publicised as soon as they are agreed.
If you have any queries or would like to help, please contact Mike Gee on 07759 884 942, or Tony Bates on 01929 471 563.

Bryan Benjafield

November 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 12th November 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 10th December at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.

Traffic & Parking in West Street

Following the publication of the plans for the single yellow line along a portion of West Street, we are pleased to announce that this line is due to be installed, along with appropriate signage, by early December.

This is a trial for 18 months and feedback during this time will be very welcome.
If you have any feedback or examples of the new scheme either working or not working as it should, then please contact the Clerk.

The Queen’s 90th Birthday

We have been contacted by the national group who organise the lighting of public beacons, to see whether we would be interested as a Parish, in lighting our Beacon to join in with celebrations on the 21st April next year.
We have indicated that we would like to and are working on plans to celebrate this accordingly.
If anybody would like to volunteer to help with this event, or has any ideas about appropriate activities, then please contact the Clerk.

Conservation work on The Bere Stream

Thanks to grants from Wessex Water and the Environment Agency, we have been able to introduce small areas of gravel, known as berms, at selected locations which will deflect the flow and create better conditions in the stream for the aquatic wildlife and for fish to spawn.
Many thanks to Dorset Wildlife Trust, not only for their advice, but also for helping us carry out the work in the pouring rain! See the Wildlife Group article for more detail on this work.

Winter Maintenance Plan Councillor Bishop has undertaken a review of the Winter Maintenance Plan for the Parish which is now with the clerk.
All aspects have been given consideration for planning and dealing with potential bad weather.
We would remind all parishioners that in the event of severe weather, if you are able to help, then please do give consideration to your neighbours who may be unable to move snow and ice and access their houses and cars as well as checking on any elderly or infirm neighbours.

Certificates of Recognition

We are very keen to make sure that everyone is aware that the Parish Council awards certificates of recognition, which we give to those parishioners who make a real difference through their voluntary work in the community.
If you know of someone who you feel may be deserving of such acknowledgement, then please do contact the clerk with the details at any time throughout the year.

Food Bank

There is a collection point for donations to go to the Wareham Food Bank, in the Mace Shop.
The food bank is a valuable resource to many and does cover the village, so please consider any donations if you can.

Bryan Benjafield

December 2015 Meeting

The Parish Council met on Thursday 10th December 2015 at the Drax Hall.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 14th January at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm.
All parishioners are very welcome to attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns.
There were 5 members of the public present.

Open Spaces Committee

A number of issues concerning our open spaces were discussed during the meeting.

The council heard from a group of teenagers who were keen to investigate the possibility of having a skate park installed within the village.
A discussion took place about locations and costs and it we agreed we would look into funding possibilities and possible sites in the village and discuss further.

The possibility of installing outdoor exercise equipment in some of the open spaces has also been discussed and we are in the process of looking into the costs and logistics of this.

The council is also keen to resurrect the open spaces group, with both parish councillors and parishioners as members, to help move some of these plans forward, along with others involving the open areas of the village.
If you would be interested in being a part of this group, please contact Councillor Pitcher.

Community Speed Watch

The council are keen to resume the community speed watch programme within the village, and could always benefit from extra volunteers from outside the council to receive some training and help facilitate speed watch sessions.
If you are interested in helping with this, please contact the clerk.

Conservation work on The Bere Stream

There was a well attended conservation working party in December, which concentrated on hedge laying and coppicing alongside the boardwalk.
Another working party is planned for the morning of Saturday 9th January. All are welcome - see the Wildlife Group article for more details.

Reporting Overgrown Footpaths and Bridleways
We are very lucky to have our lengthsman who maintains and clears a lot of the footpaths and bridleways around the parish, but if these are public rights of way then they can also be reported to Dorset County Council who will send someone to deal with it.
This can be done very easily at where you can also pinpoint exactly where the problem is.

Egdon Close to Souls Bridge Path

The informal footpath from the West end of Egdon Close which runs down to Souls Bridge will shortly be impassable due to safety issues around the movement of plant and machinery during the construction of the new school building.
We will publish a map showing this in due course to avoid any confusion.
You will of course still be able to enter Souls Moor on the corner of Southbrook and Egdon Close and reach Souls Bridge that way, and if you are walking through the new wooded plantation you will need to exit through the gate near to Shitterton footbridge.

Village Forum

On the morning of Saturday 20th February 2016 we will be holding our next Village Forum.
Items likely to be on the agenda include an update on the Neighbourhood Plan, an update on the Open Spaces work and information about the future use of the old school site.
We would urge as many people to come along for some part of the morning so that we can hear the opinions of parishioners on these subjects, and discuss any other matters of concern.
Precise timings will be announced closer to the event.

Bryan Benjafield