January 2011 Meeting
Your Parish Council met for its monthly meeting on Thursday 14th January 2011.
We were joined by our Community Policeman PC Jonathan Stuart for part of the meeting.
The meeting began with the presentation of Certificates of Thanks to three members of the village community who have each made a huge contribution to village life, in their own distinctive ways.
The first was made to Megan Stone for her work with the Gardening Club, the Women’s Institute, and in countless other ways over many years.
The second was given to Tony Shave for his unfailing helpfulness and assistance at all village events.
The third was presented to Liz Gale for her commitment in all weathers to the safety of our children, as our School Crossing Warden.
Egdon Close Garages
Having now received a full and clear response from Synergy, including a comparison of the costs of demolishing the garages and creating parking areas; or demolishing and rebuilding; or refurbishing the garages, the Council has reluctantly concluded that Synergy is taking the most cost effective option in demolishing and creating parking areas.
Snow Clearance and Gritting
There was a very lively debate by the Council about the impact of the snow and ice during the cold spell in December.
We were joined later in the meeting by Mr John Munslow who is the Winter Services Manager at Dorset County Council.
We had what politicians sometimes call ‘a full and frank discussion’ about the problems we encountered.
What we agreed was:
• DCC (and the Highways Agency) did very well indeed in keeping the main road network open.
This included the C6, and the A35 and A31.
• There was a misunderstanding between the Parish Council and DCC over the definition of one of DCC’s stated priorities, to keep Centres of Population of over 500 residents (i.e. Bere Regis) connected to the gritted network.
DCC meant this to mean keeping the C6 open; we interpreted it as keeping West St clear to link with the C6.
• DCC failed to refill grit bins after the first snow fall at the beginning of December as the severity of the weather took all their resources
• DCC’s call centre gave out very mixed and contradictory messages and promises.
For the future the Council understands that:
• Pavements will not be cleared by anyone unless this is undertaken by residents on a voluntary basis, and we need to develop a plan to do this.
• We need more grit bins and a readier supply of grit and salt. DCC undertook to look into this.
• We need to liaise more closely with DCC and local farmers to use their snow ploughs.
• We need to persuade DCC that West Street, at least, as the main connecting road and a bus route should have a higher priority in their plans
• The Parish Council needs a single point of contact within DCC
Christmas Trees
Once again over Christmas the village looked very attractive with the trees decorating West Street and other parts of the village.
We will be supplying trees again next year for outside display, but we will need to know numbers by about June in order to negotiate a good price with the supplier.
Please phone or email Jim Ruddock if you think you will want a tree next year, or if you would like to buy a bracket at £25 to fix on your wall.
Wind Turbine
A planning application has been received to install a wind turbine on the hill to the East of Rogers Hill Farm.
After a good discussion the Council offered ‘No Objection’ to this application which will now go for approval to the Planning Board at Purbeck District Council.
Lengthsman Appointment
We hope by February to have appointed our own village ‘Lengthsman’, to carry out routine maintenance tasks around the village, to make our village environment really neat and tidy.
Village Forum
Another meeting of the Village Forum is planned for Saturday 19th February at 10am.
Invitations will go out shortly but we would welcome all parishioners attending.
Topics on the agenda will include the development of a simple emergency contingency plan for the village, better communication between the Council and residents, and possible Royal Wedding (this April) and Queens Diamond Jubilee (June 2012) celebrations.
PACT Panel & Neighbourhood Watch
We are still anxious to hear from anyone willing to be a street or area coordinator for Neighbourhood Watch.
Pc Jon Stewart reported that there had been a couple of recent burglaries in the village, when the method of entry involved forcing a rear window.
We should all be vigilant, and Jon would be happy to take any reports of suspicious behaviour, including car numbers if appropriate, either by email to here, or on the Dorset Police numbers 01929 552222 or 01305 222222.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 10th February 2011 at the Drax Hall starting at 7.00 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and to raise any issues or problems in the ‘Public Participation’ period at the beginning of the meeting.
Ian Ventham, Chairman
February 2011 Meeting
Your Parish Council met for its monthly meeting on Thursday 10th February 2011.
Bere Regis has a Lengthsman!
The Parish Council agreed the appointment of local family man, Paul Critchell, to take on the important role of Bere Regis Parish Lengthsman following an advert that attracted 15 applicants.
Widely skilled and versatile, craftsman Paul will be employed on a part time basis and undertake a variety of tasks around the Parish in the communal areas including maintenance, gardening, repairs and projects to bring and maintain not just the Village but the surrounding areas of the Parish as well, to a high standard of cleanliness and safety.
Supporting the work currently carried out by both Purbeck District and Dorset County Councils, our new Lengthsman will provide a more immediately focussed service to Parishioners particularly targeting weeds and overgrown vegetation in the Summer, helping grit footpaths and pavements and clearing snow in the Winter and maintaining street furniture, signs and play areas all year round.
Part of the funding costs for the new post will be provided by Dorset County Council and the scheme will start for a trial period with the number of hours increasing as the scheme progresses and the volume and nature of work is more fully assessed.
Parish Council Chairman, Ian Ventham commented, “At last the Parish Council has the opportunity to provide a more responsive and better standard of service throughout the Parish by the creation of this role and we look forward to working with Paul over the coming months, using his wide knowledge and broad experience”.
If there are jobs you think need doing parishioners are asked to contact Councillor Martin Howard on 01929 472841 rather than approach Paul directly.
Several areas of work will still be dealt with by Purbeck DC and Dorset CC and it will be necessary to identify these and pass them on. Other work that arises will need to be prioritised to fully utilise the hours allocated to the Lengthsman Scheme and ensure that the important work gets done first.
Initially there may be a backlog of things that need doing but we are confident the Lengthsman will become an integral and important part of Village life leading to a more pleasant and safer environment for us all.
Wind Turbine
The planning application to install a wind turbine on the hill to the East of Rogers Hill Farm which we discussed last month has now been withdrawn, and will presumably be resubmitted in due course.
We understand the developers have offered some financial benefits to the village when the turbine becomes operational.
The Council would like to make it clear that its decisions to support or oppose planning applications are taken solely on the merits of the applications, and not in order to obtain any benefit.
Snow Clearance and Gritting
Whilst we fervently hope we will not experience weather as bad as that which we suffered in December, we are taking steps to improve our situation by putting in three more grit and salt bins around the village over the next few weeks.
Community Policing
Bere Regis is a relatively crime free area.
We have however suffered from thefts from vans or cars, break- ins, theft of tools from sheds and some minor vandalism.
Some of this crime can be avoided by taking simple precautions – do not leave valuables in cars and lock doors, windows and sheds.
You can also join the local ‘Safer Neighbourhood Scheme’ either as an individual or as a local coordinator informing your neighbours, especially useful for parts of the village where residents are away during the day or vulnerable people live, especially the elderly. Reporting your concerns to the police can be done using 01202 222 222 / 07825 521900.
Please, only dial 999 if a life is in danger or a crime is in progress.
The scheme run by Dorset includes a messaging service which provides you with alerts about local crimes, Current crime trends, gives crime protection advice, provides a newsletter and ask you to be proactive in providing information about a crime or incident. This service is free and can be received by phone, fax or as an email.
You can contact the Wareham North Safer Neighbourhood Team, PC1813 Jon Stuart and PCSO 8575 Cheryl Belfield, on 01202 222222/07825 521900 or email them here or through the police website www.dorset.police.uk
To join the scheme please contact your local Parish Councillor Ron Margetts on 01929 472508, email here or contact Jon or Cheryl at the above number.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 10th March 2011 at the Drax Hall starting at 7.00 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and to raise any issues or problems in the ‘Public Participation’ period at the beginning of the meeting.
Ian Ventham, Chairman
March 2011 Meeting
Your Parish Council met for the Annual Parish Meeting and for its monthly meeting on Thursday 10th March 2011.
The Chairman delivered his report on the year’s activities:
Last year I said that I thought the role of the Parish Council was to try to meet the wishes of the people who live here, and that my guess was that most people have quite modest aspirations, to live in a community which is peaceful, clean and tidy, safe and secure, with a good school, and a wealth of clubs and organisations to enjoy.
I also said that I believed that most people would welcome some modest housing developments, particularly more affordable housing, so that sons and daughters could continue to live here, provided that any development does not overwhelm the village, nor lead to a loss of sense of belonging.
I believe that during this past year this council has tried hard to contribute to that unassuming vision.
I would firstly like to say that over the past 2 or 3 years we have spread responsibility for various activities amongst members of the council, and I list those responsibilities here:
• Planning and Housing. Chair Laurie Fairhurst, assisted by Martin Howard and Simon Munnings.
• Village Environment. Chair Martin Howard, assisted by Simon Munnings and Tim Maunder (Cemetery)
• Traffic, Public Transport and Roads. Chair Len Alderman
• Children and Youth. Chair Robin Pitcher, assisted by Arlene Duncanson
• Community Liaison. Chair Christopher Maunder, assisted by Ian Ventham.
• Police and Security. Chair Ron Margetts, assisted by Peter Wharf
So, now let us turn to what we’ve been up to this past year.
I hope that anyone who wishes to talk about anything of relevance to the village will do so in a minute, and I’m sure my colleagues will want to respond.
1. Planning and Housing
Perhaps the most important matter we undertook in the past year was to formulate our own ideas of what development we would like to see in the village over the next 20 years or so, and then contribute to Purbeck District Council’s consultation on the Core Strategy.
We spoke to quite large numbers of residents and, significantly to the two large landowners in the village.
I’m pleased to say that our ideas were incorporated into PDC’s proposals, and seemed to meet with the approval of most people in the village.
We recommended that around 60 houses be built on a site near the school, or possibly on that site and on a site near Back Lane.
We also recommended that a site near Egdon Close be earmarked for the building of a new school.
We have also been pursuing the idea of acquiring a new site near the Scout Hut for a children’s Play Park, in order to create a site for up to 7 affordable homes on the present Play park site.
This project has temporarily stalled whilst issues of land ownership near the stream are sorted out.
2. Village Environment
It has frustrated us for years that our next tiers of Local Government, particularly Dorset County Council, are very slow to react to requests for minor works in the village.
I’m therefore delighted that we have at last recruited our own Lengthsman, Mr Paul Critchell, to carry out a range of work in the parish.
Part funded by DCC for the next 3 years, he will be working for 20 hours a week on such matters as clearing gutters, improving drainage, painting our street furniture, clearing snow and repairing the Play Park.
I am certain this appointment will make a huge difference to the way our village looks and to the environment we live in.
We are in the final stages of getting clearance to install new village signs at the entrances to the village, similar to the new Shitterton sign.
We plan to install these in 2012, in order perhaps to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee that year.
3. Traffic, Public Transport and Roads
There appeared to be some demand for daily transport to Wareham, so we were pleased when DCC initiated an on-demand taxi service.
Unfortunately, demand has been weak, so I believe this service will shortly be withdrawn.
The snow and icy weather in December left our roads and pavements in a very dangerous condition for a couple of weeks.
Despite frequent phone calls to DCC, we did not receive the gritting and snow clearance we needed, and our grit bins, once depleted, were not re-filled.
We have had talks with DCC about these problems and we are assured that things will be better handled in the future.
In the meantime we are installing 3 more grit bins and will, if necessary, stockpile some supplies of rock salt in the village
We are also developing a simple contingency plan to help us better cope with winter snow and other emergencies.
4. Children and Youth
A very useful first meeting of a ‘Youth Forum’ was held in September 2010 to discuss how we might better meet the needs of young people in the future.
What is clear is that we will need the help of a rota of adults, and we need to try to create a suitable meeting place and facilities for the teenagers in our community.
Neither of these will be easy.
5. Community Liaison
We have now held two very useful meetings of our newly constituted ‘Village Forum’, to enable organisations and residents to have a voice in our village affairs.
Both meetings attracted about 30 people, representing many of our organisations.
Amongst a number of matters discussed, we took the decision to hold a ‘Street Party’ at the Sports Club on 29th April to celebrate the Royal wedding.
A Patients Participation Group has been created by the Surgery, on which we are represented.
The traditional notice boards are important, as is the monthly piece in the Parish Magazine.
However we are interested in the immediacy of electronic communications, so we are trying to expand our email list, and also perhaps to experiment with methods such as Facebook or Twitter, if they are appropriate.
In the meantime, of course, thanks to the unsung efforts of James Loxton, we do have a very fine village website at www.bereregis.org
We have assisted the Drax Hall committee by buying a number of items of equipment.
6. Police and Security
We have contributed to the local PACT panel during the year, and we are attempting to re-vitalise our local Neighbourhood Watch scheme.
Levels of crime in the village have remained reasonably low.
In addition, of course we have to manage our finances properly, through a Finance Sub-committee, and we have undertaken a full Risk Assessment exercise this year.
Finally, I would like to pay tribute to two people for their contribution to the life of the village over many, many years.
Firstly, to Councillor Christopher Maunder for his years of service in a variety of roles, recognised this month by his award of ‘Volunteer of the Year’ by Purbeck District Council.
Secondly, to Mr Jim Ruddock, who has chosen to announce his retirement as Parish Clerk from June after some 36 years in the role.
Jim’s knowledge and experience will be greatly missed.
During the period for participation, the Revd Jonathan Paterson gave a report on the progress Bere Regis First School is making towards becoming a Primary School, the extra facilities being installed this Summer to cope with two extra year groups, and on the plans for a completely new school eventually.
Talks are continuing with Dorset County Council about funding.
The normal meeting continued after the Parish Meeting.
Royal Wedding Party Plans
The Parish Council is pleased to invite Bere Regis residents of all ages to join our village celebration of the Royal Wedding at the Sports Club, North Street 3 - 8pm on Friday 29th April, organised by the Sports Club, the WI and the Parish Council.
The event will include:
CELEBRATION TEA PARTY (byo party food)
For more information, please see the advert and flyers which will be out shortly.
If anyone would like to help organise this village event, or if any of our village organisations would like to become involved, please contact me.
Police and Security
Bere Regis remains relatively crime free.
But you can join our local ‘Safer Neighbourhood Scheme’ either as an individual or as a local coordinator to help keep your neighbours informed, which is especially useful for parts of the village where residents are away during the day or where vulnerable people live, especially the elderly.
Reporting your concerns to the police can be done using 01202 222 222 / 07825 521900.
Please, only dial 999 if a life is in danger or a crime is in progress.
The scheme run by Dorset includes a messaging service which provides you with alerts about local crimes, Current crime trends, gives crime protection advice, provides a newsletter and ask you to be proactive in providing information about a crime or incident.
This service is free and can be received by phone, fax or as an email.
To join the scheme please contact your local Parish Councillor Ron Margetts on 01929 472508, email her here or contact Jon or Cheryl on the numbers below.
You can contact the Wareham North Safer Neighbourhood Team, PC1813 Jon Stuart and PCSO 8575 Cheryl Belfield, on 01202 222222/07825 521900 or email them here or through the police website www.dorset.police.uk
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 10th March 2011 at the Drax Hall starting at 7.00 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and to raise any issues or problems in the ‘Public Participation’ period at the beginning of the meeting.
Ian Ventham, Chairman
April 2011 Meeting
Your Parish Council met for its monthly meeting on Thursday 14th April Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th May at the Drax Hall starting at 7.00 pm; as always the public are most welcome and there is an item on the agenda at the start called “period for public participation” where we would like to hear from you on any points you would like to raise.
Also the next meeting is the Annual Parish council Meeting at which the Chair and Vice Chair will be elected.
Street Lighting replacement in Bere Regis
Southern Electric will be changing 150 of the 215 street and bollard lights in Bere Regis in May.
SSE attended our Parish Council Meeting and made the statement reproduced below.
They assured us it should involve very few changes to the position of the lights but do use the telephone number below if you have any queries or questions.
“SSE Contracting Street Lighting is working in partnership with Dorset County Council to repair and/or replace street lighting and illuminated bollards and signs throughout Dorset.
We have some planned works for Bere Regis in the very near future.
All of the designs for the planned works have been passed to Dorset County Council.
Copies of these designs are held with the Parish Clerk.
Please look out for the leaflets through your door, they will give you a lot of information and contact details.
The markings on the pavement will indicate the planned position of the street light.
If there is an issue with the proposed position of the light then please contact SSE on 0800 068 4145 or via the website www.lightsonindorset.co.uk .
We apologise for any disruption and will complete the works as soon as possible.
We thank you for your patience in this matter. Sam Angus, Customer Care Manager, SSE Contracting Lighting Services.”
The Police reported 17 crimes in Bere Regis since the start of the year. They were as follows
• 3 Criminal Damages
• 6 Theft from Motor Vehicles
• 5 Other thefts
• 1 Burglary Dwelling
• 1 Other
This apparently represents a relatively quiet period and is slightly reduced from last year.
This year so far there have been no reported drug related crimes or of finding any drug related paraphernalia.
Elder Road Tree works
Following concerns expressed by some residents we asked Purbeck District Council to suspend the planned tree works and an Officer from the Council attended the meeting to explain what was planned.
Following a long and interesting discussion involving Councillors, members of the public and the Officer we agreed that whilst the work was necessary to ensure that nobody was hurt in high winds from falling branches there were a number of changes we would like to make to the programme.
It was agreed that there would be (as much as possible) a sensitive mixture of pollarding, coppicing and thinning and that there would be a check for nests before any work commenced.
It was also agreed that there would be a management plan produced for the whole area and that this would be agreed with the Parish Council on your behalf before the end of this year.
Bere Regis Show
The Bere Regis Show, of which the PC is a sponsor, to be held at the Scout Hut on the 15th August 2011.
We want this to be a success and hope that many of you will become involved in showing your produce, flowers, crafts and photographs.
For more information contact Sue Stone on 01929 471 933.
Ian Ventham, Chairman