Bere Regis Village Website

Bere Regis Parish Council Monthly Report


January 2007 Meeting

At the January meeting the Council was addressed by Mr Mike Grime, the Head of Development and Building Control at Purbeck District Council.

He described the tasks that he and his fellow officers had to undertake to meet the requirements of a variety of Plans from Regional down to Parish.

The number of applications, and the variety dealt with, was impressive.

He explained the reasoning behind the latest additional costs for developments which not everyone will agree with as these costs will, in the case of new developments, be passed on to the purchasers.

There was a very significant attendance by Parishioners at the meeting.

The majority were expressing their concerns about the confirmation of a footpath at Yearlings Bottom.

The gateway has been padlocked thus preventing passage by riders.

A lively discussion followed and suggestions made to attempt to overcome the problem.

Other Parishioners were in attendance to express their concerns about a planning application in North Street.

The matter of the Green Lane from Snowhill down to North Street was discussed.

The County wish to make this into a BOAT (Byeway Open to All Traffic) which would permit its use by four wheel drive vehicles, motor cycles etc.

The Parish Council is opposed to this and are logging an appeal against the Order.

In an endeavour to improve communications throughout the Parish,  the Council has created two new sections on the Village Website – 

One is a volunteering list whereby somebody requiring a job to be done can announce it and then somebody who feels capable and willing, can offer their services.

How it is settled is up to the persons concerned.

The other section deals with aiding people to dispose of unwanted items, rather like a mini Ebay.

The Council is keen that the website is used like a notice board and the intention is for Parish announcements to be made via this site.

Copies will also be posted on the noticeboards. 

It is therefore important that as many Parishioners as possible be on the Parish List.

This has now been created and anyone so interested is invited to register their interest.

To register, and therefore receive any news item, please contact Ian Ventham here

The Council has been in Communication with the County Council concerning the ‘Safe Route to School’ and its improvements.

Clearly it has taken a long time and there have been alterations made.

The Council has not always been kept informed of these alterations and thus they have expressed their concerns to the County Council.

The County Council’s response is awaited.

The Parish Plan is about to be launched on the Parish.

In readiness the Parish Council has decided that the best way in which it could implement the actions required in the  Plan is to allocate responsibility for various topics to the members of the Council.

In turn, in some of these areas, the Councillors will be trying to set up working parties of interested people in the village to take the ideas forward.

Progress will be reviewed on each topic every two months, as shown in the table below, so do come along to Council meetings on the second

Thursday of each month at 7pm to hear how we are progressing.

The responsibilities we have agreed are:




Housing and Planning

Laurie Fairhurst

Chris Maunder

Roger Duncanson

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Youth & Education

Jayne George

Roger Duncanson

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Medical Facilities

Ian Ventham

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Amenities, Services & Tourism

John Pitts

Tim Maunder

Jackie Macintosh

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Community Hall

Chris Maunder

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov

Public Transport


John Pitts

Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec

Natural & Village Environment

Malcolm Munro

Jackie Macintosh

Tim Maunder

Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec


Ian Ventham

Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec

Law & Order

Peter Wharf

Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec


Jim Parsons

Each month


Jayne George

Each month

Please do not hesitate to contact the relevant councillor if you have a problem or a query, or if you would like to become involved in implementing parts of the Parish Plan.

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 9th February at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.

February 2007 Meeting

There was a good attendance of Parishioners at the February meeting.

Most people were interested in the matter of the use of the footpath at Yearlings Bottom by horse riders.

As at the January meeting, the matter was discussed in detail but not totally resolved.

The Council will contact the County Council as it was stated that new evidence is available that supports the riders request for the path to be made available to the riders.

There was concern expressed about the state of the Green Lane leading up from North Street to Snowhill, particularly with regard to the dog pooh.

Currently there is no bin provided in the vicinity but that matter is being addressed and there should soon be a bin into which dog owners can deposit that which their dogs have deposited on the lane.

The District Council is introducing a Dog Control Order which imposes some serious fines if infringed.

The Order will also limit areas where dogs are permitted and where they must be kept on leads.

We are all pleased to live in a virtually crime free area.

However we have the odd period of glass smashing, egg throwing etc.

These are all crimes and ought to be reported to the Police.

If they are not then we can only blame ourselves if we receive little apparent attention from the Police.

The Council is most concerned and asks all Parishioners to report these so called minor incidents to the Police.

Among the many surveys that are going about at present is one concerning Housing in the Parish.

The District Council is conducting a survey with the intention of finding out the present state of  Housing Needs.

It is vital that those Parishioners who have received the document make every effort to complete and return them.

These forms are addressed to households and it is of great importance that family members who are currently living away, but who are known to be desirous of returning to their home village in the future, are included.

It is only by successful surveys that the real picture of Housing Needs can be established and then can be planned for in the future.

Following on from that the County Council, through the District Council, is asking for suggestions of suitable sites for future developments.

They are seeking ideas from the owners of land and developers, and from people who may know of the odd site where it is possible to put a house.

The Council meets at the Drax Hall on the second Thursday of each month at 7.00pm.

All Parishioners are most welcome to attend.

There is a period of Public Participation at the start of each meeting when any Parishioner may draw attention to any matter that concerns them.

The next meeting is on Thursday 8th March.

March 2007 Meeting

Before the March meeting commenced the Council had a presentation of the proposed new Dog Control Orders by a member of the Enviromental Department of Purbeck District Council.

He stated that there are two aspects to be considered the areas where dogs are forbidden and areas where it is an offence to permit a dog to leave its ‘calling card’.

The Orders are yet to be finalised but the areas where dogs are to be forbidden are likely to include the Childrens Play Parks, the Sports Field and the Cemetery.

Areas where it will be an offence to permit a dog to foul will include footpaths outside the village streets.

All of these areas are to be indicated by notices.

It is unlikely that bins for dog pooh will be able to be placed strategically on these pathways as the PDC are responsible for emptying them.

Thus dog owners will need to be prepared to pick up the faeces and take them home or to the nearest bin. The penalty for permitting this offence is a fine of eighty pounds.

The March meeting each year of the Council is also the Annual Parish Meeting when the proceedings of the previous year are reviewed and all members of the Parish are invited to attend and air their concerns. This year there were half a dozen parishioners in attendance who expressed concerns about the footpaths and bridleways.

A copy of the Chairman’s report is shown below this report.

The actual March meeting commenced with a presentation of Certificates of Merit to Peter Larder and Peter White in recognition of their willing contribution to keeping the streets free of rubbish.

Both have voluntarily undertaken this task for a number of years and are a shining example to us all.

Without their contribution our streets would be strewn with litter that is carelessly thrown down.

An item that had been carried forward from the previous year was the roundabout at the bottom of Poole Hill.

It was over a year ago that the then Chairman met with the DCC engineers on the roundabout to discuss possible improvements.

The idea was to have it sponsored by a commercial organisation that could see it as a valuable advertisement but at the same time present it more tidily.

Sadly no progress has been  made but a now new effort is being made and it is to be hoped that a more presentable roundabout will result.

The Parish Plan, of which copies of the summary will be delivered to all houses in the Parish shortly, was discussed.

As reported previously the Plan has been divided up into sections and Councillors have been allocated specific sections and are to present a report every two months on progress.

This month was the turn of the Housing Section.

It was reported that the latest requirement figure for Affordable Housing in the Parish is for sixty two units which is considerably more than the twenty four as stated in the Parish Plan.

Two schemes to provide a small number of houses are in being, one in North Street at Griffins Yard which has been granted Planning Approval; the other on the site of the Children’s Play Park which is in a very early stage of discussion.

The major concern at this stage is trying to re-locate the Children’s Play Park for which a Public Consultation will be undertaken.

The Medical Facilities Section of the Plan were discussed but apart from recognising the problems of trying to find a new location for the Surgery there was little to report at present.

The Communications Section was reported on and it is proposed to make more use of the Village Website   to spread the news.

It is suggested that the Parish Magazine be available for viewing on this site.

Following on from the success of the Village Tidy last Autumn, a Spring/Summer tidy is being programmed. Watch out for details.

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 10th April at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.


The last year has been very busy for the Parish Council, and I have selected just a few of the matters considered for my report.

Firstly it is interesting to note that we now have a fully elected Council. All eleven Councillors were nominated and stood as candidates in the Council elections last year.

Parish Plan

One of the highlights has been the completion of the Parish Plan, in which several Councillors participated. T

he Plan was formally adopted by the Council in November and the work to implement as many as possible of the recommended action items starts this very evening.

This Plan is a perfect example of democracy in action as the content comes from local residents and represents the agenda for the Council for some time to come.

We are all greatly indebted to Mr. Jon Cleave and his many volunteers for the preparation of the Plan, which  has proved to be a heavy task .

Printed copies will be available soon, with abbreviated versions being delivered to every house.

Boardwalk and new bridge

As we all know, the old boardwalk was badly vandalised and as a result had to be removed by the owners, Purbeck District Council, to avoid the risk of accidents.

Somewhat ironically, the vandalism revealed that the sub-structure had rotted in many places, and needed to be replaced anyway.

So, strangely, the vandals did us all a favour!

Several Councillors are working with PDC on a project to replace the boardwalk and erect a new bridge over the stream , with a path across Souls Moor joining up with the Safer route to School.

It is anticipated that the work will be completed in April or May.


There has been considerable discussion in recent months over the Purbeck District Council draft Local Development Framework.

In accordance with the Parish Plan which revealed strong opposition to large-scale development in the village, the Parish Council submitted a strongly worded objection to some of the issues raised in the draft document.

This was supported by some 90 letters of objection from residents.

The Council is, however, fully aware that there is an urgent need for affordable homes in the village and has this under active consideration.

We are , in accordance with a request from PDC, trying to identify areas of land which might be suitable for small- scale development.

Safer Route to School.

This has been the most frustrating matter for the Council, and ,I am sure, for the School.

There have been so many delays and broken promises by the County Council and even now, the work is not complete.

As a result the Council lodged a formal and lengthy complaint with the CC.

It is hoped that as a result County matters in and around the village, will be dealt with more expeditiously in the future.

A further survey to determine whether a Zebra crossing can be provided by the school, will take place in April/May.

Vandalism Etc

As we all know we have been plagued with vandalism, graffiti etc over recent months.

This has included damage to equipment in the play park which could have resulted in serious injury to young children, foul graffiti on the youth shelter, benches thrown into the stream, broken windows and more recently eggs thrown at houses.

There are many theories on why these criminal acts are carried out but no one seems to know how to deal with them.

We are hoping to build a closer relationship with the police which we hope will help solve the problem.

I want to quote from the Dorset Echo last November---

“Someone knows who is responsible for this vandalism—this is the case for all such incidents—and should make that information available to the authorities.”

Village Tidy

I want to finish my report on a happier note—the Village Tidy day organised by Councillor Ian Ventham last October.

Some 70 people were out on the streets picking up rubbish, weeds etc—some 8 tons of it.

We ended our work with a very pleasant social at the Drax Arms.

April 2007 Meeting

The Council, at its April meeting, was informed that County Council Officers had been to look at the pathway leading up to Black Hill from the cemetery and had agreed that it was in need of improvements. Quite when anything will happen was not stated but it is good to know that this popular way is being considered for improvements.

The Poole Hill roundabout continues to be the subject of meetings.

For some long while the Council has tried to get improvements together with the County Council.

The County are keen that such roundabouts are 'adopted' by commercial undertakings who would, in return for advertising, undertake the maintenance of suitable floral arrangements.

Parishioners will recall how originally this roundabout had a block surface and when removed the weeds moved in.

Since then, and particularly this year, there is a fine crop of daisies.

It is understood that the next meeting is to try to move towards its adoption.

The Council continues to battle on with the C6 and the traffic problems.

It is hoped that the improvements by the school, leading to the completion of the Safe Route to School, will soon be resolved.

However there is concern about the variety of traffic using this busy road by the school, particularly at times when the pupils are either entering or leaving the premises.

The Council is meeting with the Army authorities to limit the tracked vehicle movements in relation to school times.

The Council remind Parishioners that the Village Website is a source of good information.

Parishioners who are prepared to undertake small tasks are asked to put this information on the site. Likewise any Parishioner requiring assistance with a small task is also asked to put their request on the site.

The aim is to try to match one with the other.

Following on from last year's successful village clear up operation there is to be another similar event on Sunday 27th May - the May Bank Holiday.

The aim is to tackle specific areas this time.

If any Parishioner has any particular area that they feel should be tackled then they are requested to let Councillor Munro know.

He would also like to be advised of any volunteers willing to help out for a couple of hours on that day.

May 2007 Meeting

The May meeting of the Council is the Annual General Meeting when the Officers for the coming year are elected.
There were no changes so that Mr J Parsons of White Lovington remains as Chairman with Mr I Ventham of Sitterton continues as vice-Chairman.
As Parishioners will know from the notice displayed on the Noticeboard, one member has resigned from the Council and a successor is being sought.
Before the meeting commenced the Council was addressed by Mr M Sturgess, the Head of Community Planning and Policy at Purbeck District Council.
He spoke of the Planning System concerning the Spatial Planning.
He explained how Central Government requires Regional Authorities to undertake tasks for example the planning for future houses and that these numbers are then split down to the counties, within the Region, which in turn are passed down to the Districts.
At present the Southwest Region to which we belong has on going discussions on the total number of houses required.
When this has been resolved a plan will then be devised and we in our small way, will be part of it and have to work to it.
This procedure is going on for all aspects of future planning so one may see that it is a long process.

A number of Parishioners were in attendance and expressed their concerns about the fortnightly collection of household rubbish.
As we understood, when it was started, that there was to have been a review of the arrangements after one year, the Parishioners asked when this was going to be held, and asked the Council to seek a response from PDC.

Talks have been held with the County Council concerning the roundabout at the bottom of Poole Hill, which is displaying a very healthy collection of weeds.
It is to be hoped that this roundabout will be 'adopted' and in so doing be improved with a floral display.
However the costs likely to be involved by the adopter are such that they are likely to be discouraged from undertaking the adoption.
Thus the weeds continue to grow on.

Equally there has been a dialogue with the Army at Bovington concerning the Army element of the traffic passing by the school.
It has been decided to maintain this dialogue on a regular basis.

The Council learned of the reduction in bus services and expressed their concerns for Parishioners who are in need of the service connecting Poole and Dorchester.
Sadly this is a National problem and a mere Parish Council can only air its objection to the County Council who are responsible for conducting the Government Policies.
The School Crossing continues to be the focus of attention by the Council.
A traffic survey was conducted by the County Council on the crossing which aimed to show that the criteria for a Zebra Crossing had been met.
In the meantime the Council has been advised that the additional signage is awaiting to be set up.

The condition of the Toilet Block on the Car Park concerns the Council.
There has been further destructive vandalism in that the doors have been kicked in and the roof windows smashed.
This is not the 'work' of visitors to the area.
It is very much the our own youngsters who are footballing on the Car Park.
As a civilised society we ought to be able to provide a decent toilet for passers by.
Why is it that parents and teachers who work desperately hard to produce the good mannered young people at our school, have all their efforts destroyed when some of those same children start to become independent.
There is something wrong somewhere and we obviously do not have the solution - perhaps these youngsters may like to come to our Council meeting and help us to find a solution.

The next meeting of the Council will be at the Drax Hall on Thursday 14th June at 7.30pm.
All Parishioners are welcome to attend and may speak about matters that concern them.

June 2007 Meeting

At the commencement of the June meeting Mr David Shepherd, of New Barn House in Old Barn Road, was elected and welcomed to the Council.
He fills the vacancy caused by the previous resignation of a member.
At the same time Mrs Jacqueline Macintosh announced her intention to resign.
This vacancy has been advertised.
We were fortunate to be visited by our Member of Parliament, Annette Brooks.
She expressed her concern about the situation regarding the public transport.
She has had meetings with the Bus Company at Poole who seem to have washed their hands of the problem.
Basically if the buses do not make enough to cover their costs even with Council help, then they will not run the buses.
Mrs Brooks has received a number of letters from concerned Bere Regis Parishioners and will be happy to receive more.
She really requires details of what the effect of the reduced service means to those people concerned.
It is no good saying that it is awful, we know that, but why is it awful and how it affects you.
An interesting discussion followed and left the outside possibility of finding a possible solution.
However early days and no promises.
Mrs Brooks, in the meantime, is meeting with the County Council to discuss this further.
There were a number of Parishioners in attendance who raised a number of points.
It was good to hear that the problems at Yearlings Bottom seemed to have been resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned.
One Parishioner was concerned that little seemed apparent with dealing with the nuisance factor.
There have been a number of incidents of late and though brought to the village notice by being mentioned in the Parish nothing seems to change.
Mention was made of young children being out late and whether or not the parents of these children knew where their offspring might be.
The question was asked where the nominated policeman was or had been since being appointed.

The Council has been advised by the County Council that the new route to school qualifies for a Pedestrian Crossing.
This will be good news for those who have campaigned for the Crossing during the past few years.
However we also learned that the procedures for setting up the Crossing are long and tedious so it is not expected to happen 'overnight'.

It was reported that the intended 'Tidy Up' project for the Bank Holiday was cancelled as the general appearance of the Village did not really warrant it.
However it will be programmed in for the Autumn.

The Council discussed the traffic on the C6 and Rye Hill in particular.
All expressed concern of the increase which is not only Army vehicles.
The Council has established a dialogue with the Army at Bovington who have some control on their own vehicles.
However heavy transporters carrying Army vehicles are just the same as any other bulk containers and there is no central control on them.

The Car Park was discussed and the Council have decided that the Toilet Block should be demolished and a search made for another location for the Salvage Bins..
The next meeting of the Council will be at the Drax Hall on Thursday 12th July at 7.00pm.
All Parishioners are welcome to attend and may speak about matters that concern them during the period set aside early in the meeting.

July 2007 Meeting

Before the July meeting got under way the Council was addressed by the Police and Community Support Officer (PCSO), Mr Trevor Dunesby.
He explained that he had previously worked in Bere Regis and the neighbouring villages as a PDC Community Support Officer, so already had a feeling for the area.
He stated that his main task would be to forming a safer neighbourhood for everybody.
Initially the task would be to find out peoples concerns and to this aim he would be visiting a random selection of houses in order to undertake a survey.
From this start it is hoped to be able to form small committees tasked with keeping an eye on their area and feeding back problems encountered, and presumably suggested solutions.
He stated that this method had been successful in Lytchett Matravers where they had encountered a number of problems.
All Parishioners are asked to give support to this initiative.

At the commencement of the meeting Mrs Amanda Kennard of Manor Farm Road, was appointed and welcomed to the Council.
She fills the vacancy caused by the previous resignation of a member.

The progress with the Parish Plan is a standing subject discussed with reports on various topics being presented at each meeting.
The 'Board Walk' project was one such topic and the progress with the planning of the hard pathway and the bridge over to Souls Moor being reported as on schedule.
On most topics there is very little at the present time to report.

The future of the toilet block and the re-cycle bins on the car park is always a topic that brings forth many suggestions.
The council has written to the District Council and is awaiting their responses.

An interesting discussion on how neighbouring Councils are attempting to make provision for the youth.
It is not an easy problem to solve and would be easier if the Youth let their thoughts be known.
Parish Council meetings are open to all in the Village and it would be good to hear from them.
The PCSO will also be contacting them so lets hope that we will hear something soon .

The next meeting of the Council will be at the Drax Hall on Thursday 9th August at 7.00pm.
All Parishioners are welcome to attend and may speak about matters that concern them during the period set aside early in the meeting.    

August 2007 Meeting

At the August meeting two Parishioners expressed their concerns about the entrance to the Shell petrol station.
The road leading down from the roundabout becomes very congested by vehicles entering and departing from the site.
In addition there are often vehicles parked on the western side of the road and these add to the problem.
At busy time the entrance queue for the garage, and the Business Park, extends up on to the slip road and causes congestion on the main road.
During the ensuing discussion it was suggested that there is additional ground that could be utilised, on either side of the access road, to form a third lane.
If in addition double yellow lines painted on the western side to indicate that there should be no parking on the access road, it was felt that the access would be improved.
It was felt that one lane would be for the Business Park.
The Council agreed to write to the authorities with this suggestion.

It was reported to the Council that there is to be further consultation on the Dog Control Order that was introduced by PDC in June.
Following the previous consultation period a number of responses, the majority expressing alternative concerns particularly about the enforcement area being extended to the heathland and rural common land.
The Council is keen to examine these responses in greater detail and is therefore undertaking a further consultation to refine the Order to ensure that it works in harmony with the needs of the residents and the local environment.
Details of the consultation will be announced in due course.

The latest on the Toilet Block is that the Council has agreed to it being demolished to make way for the Recycling Bins to be relocated.
It is not known yet when this work will be undertaken.

Everyone will have seen the 'flashing' speed indicators on Rye Hill adjacent to the school.
These are being monitored, but they do seem to be providing the right effect.
The Council has been advised that there will be a Zebra Crossing at the school crossing and that this in expected to be in addition to the Crossing Patrol.

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 13th October at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.
All Parishioners are most welcome to attend.
The initial item on the agenda is the period for public participation, when any items that a parishioner is concerned about may be raised.  

September 2007 Meeting

At the start of the September meeting, Councillors were addressed by Mr Peter Aston, the Acting Head of Legal and Democratic Services at Purbeck District Council, on the Revised Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils.
These are the rules that Councils and Members must abide by when undertaking the business of the Council on behalf of the Parishioners.
Most of it is common sense but, clearly resulting from some legal cases, others have become more complicated.
The aim is to ensure that all of the business conducted, is fair.

Parishioners will have observed the activity that is taking place on the Board Walk.
The Western end is being realigned to take account of the boundary with a neighbour and with the increased width it will be closer to the stream than hitherto.
At the other end it is hoped to have a new bridge in place by end of October.
The length in between will be a hard standing path and not the raised pathway as previously. When completed it will provide a pleasant walk and form part of the 'safe route to school'.
Whilst the work is in progress on the walk, pedestrians are requested to use the footpath along Elder Road.

The School Crossing work continues and it is hoped that the Zebra Crossing will be installed by the end of the year.
This work is vital as the School is providing a Breakfast Club and an After School Club, activities which are running outside the times that the School Crossing Patrol operates.

Dorset County Council have undertaken a traffic survey in West Street to ascertain the number and size of vehicles using the through route as opposed to the by-pass.
It is hoped to be able to limit lorries to 7.5 tonnes except those for access.

There is to be another Village Tidy at the end of October.
Details are being published elsewhere in the magazine.
It is hoped that this will be as successful as on previous occasions.

As in former years, the Council is offering Christmas Trees to Parishioners who will display them on their properties.
We have always been complimented on the appearance of the Village at this time as the lit up trees offer a really festive appearance.
There is no charge but those Parishioners who wish to have one and are prepared to display it, are requested to contact Mr Maunder on 471342 or at 15 North Street.
It is intended to deliver the trees at the end of November.

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 11th October at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall. All Parishioners are most welcome to attend.
The initial item on the agenda is the period for public participation, when any items that a parishioner is concerned about may be raised.

October 2007 Meeting

At the October meeting Councillors were addressed by Mr Mark Sturgess and Mr Steve Dring of the Planning Department of Purbeck District Council.
They are the Forward Planners and their work involves the Local Development of the District.
In other words what the area might look like in ten or twenty years time.
Their brief covers all topics be it the economics of Tourism, Retail requirements, Employment or the Environment.
From this study and from the Government Directives, concerning for example Housing, it is possible to build up a picture of what our Village might be like in the future.
The speakers came to address the Council on the Core Strategy as it stands at present.
They stressed that the Village ideas must be heard and addressed.
This has been done in the past but apparently the resulting report failed to address some particular issues and thus the Government Planners were not impressed.
It is therefore necessary for another another Consultation Period to be held and this will be in April next year.
It is vital that evidence of current problems is included in the Report that emanates from this Consultation Period.
The Council will be holding sessions, as they did before, or individuals can attend the meetings that will be put on by PDC.
These are very important meetings and it is to be hoped that they will attract good support. Watch out in the Spring for these meetings.

After the future planning the Council heard from our Community Beat Officer, PC Jon Stuart.
He described his job and how he works with the assistance of two Police Community Support Officers.
Their area includes Lytchet Mattravers and Sandford so they are kept very busy.
When you see them around please do stop and have a word with them as they want to become more familiar with their area

Resulting from the comments of a Parishioner, the Council is very concerned about the speed of traffic in North Street.
Parishioners are reminded that the speed limit is 30mph for its whole length from The Cross to the parking area by the RBL and Sports Club.
The road is a cul de sac and there could be young children playing in the Street.

The replacement of the Board Walk and the addition of another bridge across the stream was discussed at length.
There were some snags to be sorted out and it is to be hoped that these were resolved.
Completion of the task is very near, but no date was ventured!

Parishioners are asked not to deposit garden waste in hedgerows.
It is a sad fact that it can not be collected with the other waste and therefore has to be taken to the larger centres to be placed in the compostable wastes.

The Council reminds those people willing to display a lit Christmas tree, that they should be in touch with Mr Maunder - 471 342 - in order to receive their trees.

The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 8th November at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.
All Parishioners are most welcome to attend.
The initial item on the agenda is the period for public participation, when any items that a parishioner is concerned about may be raised.

November 2007 Meeting

At the November meeting the Council was addressed by three representatives of SITA UK who described their Company's proposal to create an Environmental Park at Binnegar Quarry.
They explained how the County Council is tasked with the disposal of all waste and, in line with the EU Directive, to recycle as much as possible.
The Company, as contractors to the County Council, are tasked with undertaking the task.
The waste is both domestic and commercial.
Whereas in the past it was accepted that such waste could be disposed of by in-filling old quarries, today and even more so in the future these wastes have to be recycled.
Thus the Park would include facilities to compost green materials, composting food stuffs, recovering materials such as tin and aluminium, reducing building materials for future use.
These materials need to be delivered to the site from the various areas that this Park will serve and that could include virtually the whole of Dorset.
Then after treatment the modified materials will need to be delivered to the variety of places that take the specific items, be they Garden Centres for the compost, the Scrap merchants for the metals or the construction merchants for the aggregates.
The aim is that there should be a minimum of waste.
As it is, it is likely that 10% will still need to be 'landfilled', which is a considerable improvement on the situation today.
In addition to these facilities the area will be restored and landscaped and it is intended to include a Visitor Centre with an Educational Block.
The Parish Council made representation to the District Council at Wareham of their concern regarding the routing of the traffic to the Quarry, which is along the Puddletown Road.
To get there from North or West Dorset it was suggested that the traffic would use the C6 up Rye Hill.
This, they stated was already a very busy road, and went past the school and houses.
The proposed solution is a 'Southern Byepass' provided by the Applicants.
The Council's concerns about the traffic were such that if there was no solution to that problem then they could not support the proposal.
This was supported by our County Councillor.
The Company on their part responded in their presentation by providing potential traffic figures which Councillors in their questions clearly indicated their doubts and concerns.
The matter now moves on to the County Council, who have to decide whether to approve it, or not.

The Council noted that the Board Walk part of the Riverside Path is now complete and in use.
It is good to see the additional width so that even my two Bassetts can walk side by side!
The new bridge is getting nearer and it might be in place by the time this is published.
It should be noted that the Environment Agency recognises our river and has erected a name board with a contact telephone number included to which any problems may be directed.

Following on from the Parish Plan in which there were intentions indicated for the Youth, some positive progress is being made towards helping them.
Mrs A Kennard is the Councillor who is taking the lead.
It is to be hoped that ideas of the need will emanate from meetings that she will be arranging.
No doubt sport will be a core subject but perhaps other interests may develop - for example model making. Keep ideas going and contact Mrs Kennard.

The Council wishes all Parishioners a very happy and joyous Christmas.
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 13th December at 7pm in the Drax Hall.
All Parishioners are most welcome to attend.
The initial item on the agenda is the period for public participation, when any items that a parishioner is concerned about may be raised.

December 2007 Meeting

The December meeting opened with a brief discussion with our two Community Police Officers.
They had little to report about crimes to the Council but did report that they are in and around the village frequently. The Council expressed its concern to them regarding the congestion at the top of Manor Farm Road around the time when the school buses are collecting the children.
As the Surgery opens earlier there is a clash of patients and schoolchildren.
There is also the fear of a potential accident as the children are reported to be on the road.
A discussion concerning a alternative picking up point failed to produce a satisfactory solution.
Thus the Community Officers have been requested to attend the site when the buses are picking up and to offer some suggestions as to how the matter can be resolved.

There was one Parishioner present at the meeting.
He came from Hyde and complained of the noise emanating from the Shooting School at Gallows Hill.
He stated that the sound absorbing bunds that were supposed to be installed were not as designed so hence the noise was louder than intended.
He had written to the District Council but had not received any response and so he requested assistance from our Council.
We have promised to write to the District Council outlining the complaint and requesting a response.

Parishioners will have seen that the new bridge over the stream is now in place.
The pathway to the south leading to Southbrook has yet to be completed but that is going to happen quite soon.
There are one or two problems like a wet boggy area to be overcome but when completed it will provide for a 'safe route to school' from the village.
The bridge was the brainchild of Mr Malcolm Munro and he undertook much of the work and organising the major tasks himself.
In recognition of his endeavours with the project the Council decided that it was apt that the bridge should be named ' Malcolm's Bridge'.

The Council has been very concerned about the Central Stores over the past six months.
In particular they are concerned about the correspondence with the District Council.
Our Council is in favour of the Cafe service that was being offered but the District Council imposed such restrictions that it was not worth opening.
The reasons for these restrictions has been questioned by our Council and we have not received a satisfactory response as yet.
It is the Council's intention to pursue the matter.

All gardeners are reminded that there is a ready supply of rotted mulch at the top end of the Cemetery.
It is free to all who would like to take it.
We only request that when it is taken that the area is left in a tidy state.