January 2005 Meeting
Just before the January meeting I received a very pleasant letter from a soldier currently serving in Iraq. He was writing to thank ‘all the kind people of Bere Regis for the gifts that they had sent at Christmas time’.
I have passed the letter to the Post Office so that it may be displayed.
The gift scheme was a very kind thought on somebody’s part and clearly it was appreciated by the recipients.
The new bus timetable, specifically for Bere Regis, has now been produced and copies are being distributed by Councillors throughout the Parish.
If you do not receive one , and do need it, then please let me know. (471 342)
The Parish Plan is making very good progress and the team under the guidance of Mr Jon Cleave is working very hard to keep to the programme.
The time is coming for Public Participation though sadly the two Public Meetings will have happened by the time this is published.
However there are to be plenty of notices concerning them so it is to be hoped that they will be well supported.
The big step forward though is the distribution of the Questionnaire to all households for all Parishioners over the age of eleven years to respond to.
This is a very important document as it will provide the data upon which the whole plan will be based.
Please treat it seriously and follow the specific instructions for its return.
All responses are confidential and nobody will know who has responded.
The Council were advised of a suggestion to form a Patient Participation Group within the area covered by the Medical Practice.
Such a Group might be a forum to feed back suggestions for the improvement of services to patients, develop projects to meet the needs of fellow patients, e.g. with transport for patients and the distribution of medication, act as a representative group to influence the local provision of health and social care.
Such a Group might fund raise for specific items of medical equipment or aids to patients.
The Council thought that this was a good idea and well worth investigating further.
If you are interested then please mention it in your response to the Parish Plan Questionnaire. Interestingly there is an example of assistance to the Parish in the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of the 18th January 1905.
The minute records that Dr Lys of Bournemouth had offered the Council a bath-chair and it was accepted with thanks.
Just 100 years difference – but with similar intentions.
This month the Youth Shelter took a big step forward towards its actual arrival.
The Council is aware that time has gone by and little appears to have happened.
However money had to be found and plans submitted for approval.
The Shelter and the Kicking Wall have been ordered and they should be around by Easter.
We still have to find some more money but we feel confident that that will be available when required.
The Council is at the same time looking at the finances for another bridge over the Bere Stream close to the Scout Hut.
This will permit an extension of the Board Walk towards Southbrook. and subsequently up to the School.
The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 10th February at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.
February 2005 Meeting
The February meeting was preceeded by a presentation by the Wareham and District Development Trust. This is a small voluntary group who are endeavouring to help improve life in the District.
So far they have concentrated their efforts in Wareham with the Lifewheels Mobility Centre in St Johns Hill, the Priory Meadows on the opposite riverside to the Quay and bringing back the Computer Centre.
If any organisation has a project in mind these people ought to be in your thoughts to assist with funding.
Kevin Randall on 07967 117410 or email him here
The Council was disturbed by the amount of litter that seemed to appear around the board walk.
Sadly it was also seen by visiting walkers who quickly let us all know.
Litter is a problem and whereas only a few years ago one could get a crowd together and literally descend on it and fill dozens of black bags, today we have to abide by strict rulings for our health and safety.
Such rulings make the task an administrative nightmare and so we rely upon the District Council sending their contractors to do the job.
This was done, thankfully quite quickly.
The Purbeck CAB has informed the Council that they have appointed a Rural Outreach Worker.
This person can visit clients at their homes who have disabilities, who are carers of elderly people or people with disabilities or older people (over 60) who have difficulty getting into Bureau offices.
If you would like a home visit then please contact Helen Macey or Linda Lancaster at Wareham CAB, Mill Lane, Wareham BH20 4RA.
Telephone 01929 552464.
The Council in its endeavours to provide the planned meeting place for the youth and the extension to the board walk have decided to apply for a loan to cover the balance of finances so that the work can be undertaken and completed.
We were fortunate to have been awarded £10,000 from the Police Partnership Trust and so work should be underway at around Easter time.
Watchers of the Roundabouts will be part pleased to learn that endeavours are being made to obtain sponsorship for the Poole Hill roundabout.
However it has taken a long time to get to this point.
Concerning the A35/A31 roundabout by the Shell station, the owners of the roads – not the DCC in this case – have shown no interest in improving its appearance.
The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 10th March at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall. CM
March 2005 Meeting
The March meeting each year is the Annual Parish Meeting at which Parishioners are invited to raise points as they so wish.
It is also at this meeting that the Chairman summarises on the years activities of the Council.
This year he was able to report on the Parish Plan and the progress with the Youth Shelter.
The Cemetery Committee were thanked for their obvious efforts to make the Cemetery attractive.
The Chairman thanked all Councillors for their support throughout the year.
In my last report I stated that the Council had embarked upon obtaining a loan to enable the Youth Shelter to be completed this year.
Also included is the cost of a new bridge over the stream by the Scout hut.
This will be an integral part of the footpath from Sitterton to Rye Hill via Southbrook.
The footpath on the western side of Rye Hill, which is to be provided by the County Council though financed by BP, will create a ‘safe route to school’.
In all the Council have borrowed £12,000 for a period of ten years but it will see these works completed at long last.
In his report the Chairman stressed his definition of a village – school, churches, shops, a post office, pubs, a surgery and houses for the people.
He expressed his concern that unless all the facilities are used then we could lose them and then as they dropped out of the equation, the village is affected.
He urged all Councillors to get their Parish Plan Questionnaires completed and posted.
The Council is concerned about Affordable Housing and further to the Housing Needs Survey that was conducted earlier, they will be inviting a Housing Association to come and talk to them about possible ways forward.
Of course the problem that we have in the Parish is sites and it is to be hoped that sufficient sites to meet the needs of our young – and older parishioners can be identified.
The Council is concerned at the continual need to repair the Youngsters Play Area.
The items are not cheap and each year we have to budget £1200 for these repairs.
In addition the Council is anxious about the rubbish that accumulates within the Play Area.
We do appeal to parents to stress the need for more care – particularly with glass.
One may well ask why glass bottles end up in the area.
Does one hear questions being raised about the Young Persons Shelter.
Well it's up to them to look after it, the Shelter which is due to arrive around Easter time is made of a heavy grade steel.
No doubt it will be re-decorated from time to time but the Council hope that the young people will appreciate it and treat it as their own.
It is specifically for them and the Council has worked very hard to achieve what was asked for some years ago.
We all hope that they will enjoy it.
April 2005 Meeting
At the April meeting of the Council the Councillors expressed their gratitude to Mr Guy Storey for the design of the Youth Shelter and for making all the arrangements for its construction.
The project is not quite complete yet as the kicking wall, lighting and waste bin have to be added.
All things being equal it should be all in place by the end of May.
The Council were appraised by the County Councillor of some amendments that have been proposed to the Waste Plan.
One of the proposed changes indicates that waste will be brought from the east (Poole) to the Binnegar Quarry along the Puddletown Road.
This is a change from the previous plan that envisaged waste coming from the west (Bridport, Weymouth) to be processed at Winfrith.
The route for this waste was seen to be on the A352 and as such would not affect us in Bere Regis.
However there are some people who thought that it might come from Dorchester on the A35 and then go via the C6 (Rye Hill) to Winfrith.
The waste from the east to Binnegar is not permitted to use the A351 through Sandford as that is already congested, thus it is being sent up the A35 to Bere Regis and then on to the C6 and on to the Puddletown Road.
Apparently there could be up to fifty lorries a day, which means that with the return trips there will be one hundred lorries on the C6.
The Council is very concerned and is objecting to these proposals.
The Council is also concerned that the waste is having to be brought into our area at all.
The aims for the treatment of waste is that it should be treated as close to the area creating the waste and they will be raising this point as well.
The Council had a representation from Winfrith who briefed the Council on what they are doing and it may well happen that we will join them in our objections.
Parishioners may like to know that the objections to the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Waste Local Plan, that is the treatment of waste, is the subject of an Inquiry that will be held in Dorchester from the 24th May.
Clearly the C6 is a problem that is getting larger.
If, and the waste has to go somewhere to be treated, the proposals are permitted then we must insist on a southern bypass around the village.
Such a road should solve all the present problems.
The Council was addressed by the co-ordinator of the Parish Plan – Mr Jon Cleave – on the progress of the plan. We were well pleased with what we were told and we look forward to seeing the first draft and hearing about it at the Public Meeting in May.
The Council have decided to place a new bridge over the stream near to the Scout Hut.
This will be an integral part of the ‘Safe Routes to School’ when the new pathway over Souls Moor to Southbrook is constructed.
The pathway will link Southbrook to the centre of the village and thus provide a healthy alternative to using a car.
The next meeting of the Council will be held in the Drax Hall on Thursday 12th May at 7.00pm.