Bere Regis Village Website

Bere Regis Parish Council Monthly Report


January 2004 Meeting

At the January meeting the Council received details of a planning application from the County Council on which they were invited to comment.

The application was from BP at Wytch Farm where, due to the decreasing quantities of LPG, they are intending to change the transport methods from rail to road.

As the gas is no longer exported from Avonmouth but supplied more locally in Dorset and Wiltshire, it is more viable to deliver it direct from Wytch Farm.

We are involved because the chosen route to the A35 from Wytch Farm includes the C6.

The authorities recognise the problems by the School and up to the Poole Hill roundabout and have proposed some measures to improve the traffic management.

Many of these proposals are included in the School’s own proposals for a safe route so this latest proposal may well be a part means of financing the School scheme, as BP will have to foot the bill for the work.

This is the month when the Council finalises its estimates for the coming year - and hence the Parish element of the Council Tax. The budget was discussed in detail and in the end we arrived at a minimal increase in our expenditure.

It is to be hoped that the District and the County might have a similar conclusion.

In the past there has been a team visit by the District Council to explain and seek opinions on the years Council Tax.

Sadly the meetings were not very well attended and were then thought to be of no value.

This year the County is doing the same exercise but is visiting larger centres.

The nearest to us will be at Wareham on Monday 26th January from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at the Purbeck School.

If you wish to have a say about the Council Tax - then that is the place to go.

Note: I fully realise that the date of this meeting is prior to this journal’s publication date but there will be some people who can pick this up on the Parish Web site.

However a poster will be displayed in the notice boards.

The Council has been asked to consider the problems associated with affordable housing and have asked the District Council to bear us in mind.

Affordable housing has to be provided with any new development but we have none in the pipeline.

However in rural areas it is possible to provide some affordable housing on its own.

There are specific ground rules to qualify for this and the Council feels that Bere Regis fits into those rules.

However before we can get anywhere it is necessary to conduct a Housing Survey which has been mentioned before in this column.

The Council is taking steps to get such a survey conducted and it is hoped that we would be well supported by all Parishioners to show the need for such housing here in Bere Regis.

The County has a scheme in mind for disposal of rubbish at Winfrith.

However the District objects to this on the grounds that such a plant should be sited near to where the rubbish is created - in this case West Dorset.

One of the obvious problems is transport of the rubbish and it might affect us as the dear old C6 is seen to be on the route - comment by your scribe ‘ for the life of me I cannot see a driver coming from Bridport to Winfrith via Bere Regis’.

We await the discussions going on at present.

Where is the Youth Hut?

Some money has been provided, planning approval has been obtained and the parties concerned have met to plan the work.

The answer is that the team are waiting for improved weather and longer daylight hours.

Do not despair it really is on the way.

Another big project on the way is the new Village Hall and after a long delay a planning application is being made for a revised plan that will see the hall built along Elder Road close to the Scout Hut.

It is only after we have the planning approval that serious fund raising can commence. CM

February 2004 Meeting

The February meeting this year may well be marked in future years for its importance as the beginning of a look into the future of our village.

The Council has a number of essential subjects to consider and so it has been decided to undertake an appraisal and to develop a Village Plan.

Such a Plan will look at facilities in the village which will include Housing and Education.

Everyone will say that we have gone through all of that before, but it is all change now and Local Structure Plans are to be replaced by Regional Structure Plans.

Our task must be to ensure that our ideas for our village of the future are represented.

Parish Councils are very good authorities where footpaths are concerned.

They fight to defend the routes, the access and the correctness of that access. With the ‘right to roam’ legislation there are differences of interpretation that are being tested before the Definitive map is finalised.

We have one such case that is being reviewed in our Parish.

This is Bridleway 27 over Black Hill where the Trail Riders Fellowship is objecting to the erection of a horse stile and motorcycle inhibitor.

The fear is that by permitting motor vehicles on the bridleway, the surface will deteriorate.

The meeting opened with a lively Question Period from the Parishioners in attendance.

From this discussion it was learned that the work to ‘beautify’ the roundabouts is to be undertaken in the Spring, having been promised for last Autumn.

The long completed ‘Conservation Area’ report has still to be published and one Parishioner suggested that the new houses being built in North Street ought not to have been approved until the design had been tested against the Conservation Area Report.

Other subjects included the BP transport of LPG, the gate at the end of North Street and Council Tax.

The Council is represented on the North Purbeck Task Group - the latest name for the Crime Prevention Committee - and at their last meeting it was very clear that the emphasis is now on attempting to provide so that crime is prevented.

An example of this is our Youth Shelter and indeed the bulk of the money allocated for this to date has come from Police sources and not the Parish.

However it is encumbent on local Councils to make provision so that crime is reduced.

The Council has reported the very poor condition of the directional road signs on the roads and we have now heard that work to improve them is scheduled after April.

So with the grassed over roundabouts and fresh signs we will be much smarter.

The Council is concerned about the people using the Cemetery as a meeting place.

Evidence of their presence is often left around in the form of bottles etc.

It appears that the recently erected shelter is being used for getting together in, whereas it was provided for mourners wishing to sit and have a quite moment of thought.

It is good that it is used, but the Council is concerned that it be used for its real purpose.

The Council wish to point out that all old flowers and grass should be placed in the composting area provided.

Parishioners are reminded that the Parish Council website is and that the next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 11th March at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.

March 2004 Meeting

The March meeting each year is the Annual Parish meeting.

This is the meeting when all members of the Parish are invited to attend, as traditionally this was when they could raise items of concern.

These days the Council allocates a ‘period for public consultation’ at each meeting and this serves the same purpose.

This year we had one member of the Parish in attendance.

At this meeting the Chairman reports on the activities of the Council during the preceeding twelve months.

Thus the Chairman referred to the much-improved state of the Cemetery and thanked the sub-committee members for their efforts.

The Council is grateful to Mr John Cleave who has voluntarily laid the hedges on our boundary.

We have improved our care for our forebears and it is a great shame that we are unable to cater for our visiting peers by providing a decent toilet.

Another year has gone by and the building remains – unused.

In the meantime the Council is proceeding with the Youth Shelter and as the lighter evenings come along we hope to see some progress.

The acquisition of the land between the scout hut and Sitterton is likewise proceeding.

When this is achieved the Parish Council will be responsible for it together with the board walk.

Perhaps this is the time to warn of the slippery surface on the walk, which in the past we have had a chicken wire covering which itself is dangerous when it breaks up.

We simply ask that walkers take care.

The major concern of the Council has been the C6 – the road by the school. It is to be hoped that thanks to BP we will have some road management schemes in place this year that should make the road safer for the children and all other users.

The Chairman rounded up his report by commenting on both the Drax Hall and the new Village Hall.

The former will have some important work conducted this year and a planning application will be made on behalf of the latter.

All in all a busy Council year.

The Council, in preparation for the forthcoming Village Plan, decided to conduct a Housing Survey to establish what sort of needs exist.

A letter with a questionnaire will be delivered to each house in the Parish. The occupants will be invited to complete the questionnaire and to post it in a collecting box in the Post Office by the end of April.

This should allow everybody around three weeks to complete the questionnaire.

Families with relatives who have moved away but who would like to return to the village are particularly asked to include them.

The next step with the Village Plan will be at the May Council meeting when we will be having a Presentation from Dorset Community Action (DCA).

This meeting will start at 6.30pm and all persons interested in the future of your Village are invited to attend.

The Council meeting will be held after this meeting. We are particularly keen to hear from anybody with ideas, which they are prepared to share for the betterment of the village as a whole.

Do please make a date for Thursday 13th May.

There is concern that children are playing in and around the Cemetery.

They are climbing the trees outside which overhang the steel fence.

This fence has sharp spikes and the Council is concerned lest there be an accident involving a child on the spikes.

We simply ask that parents and families tell the children of the risks and direct them away from the danger.

We are also concerned that some older young people are using the new shelter for whatever pastime results in empty bottles being left around.

Apart from being in bad taste, cemeteries can be dangerous if boisterous behaviour results in memorials being damaged.

The District Council has now published the long awaited Conservation Area Report.

It is a good publication and worthy of being used as a reference by all people interested in the Village.

It will sit very well alongside Mr Pitfield’s Book of Bere Regis and the 1980’s Parish Council Appraisal.

This latest publication is the result of the efforts of Mr Peter Fysh and his colleagues together with the District Council officers.

It is to be hoped that from now on all planning within this specific area will be referred to this report. CM

April 2004 Meeting

The April meeting discussed the condition of the Board Walk where a section has become defective.

The repair is to be arranged by the District Council and will entail closure for a period as clearly the supports to the walkway are deteriorating.

The Council is aware that the surface can be slippery in wet weather and thus asks walkers to take care.

We have tried various methods to improve the safety but without success, therefore please take care.

The Library service is to be increased from June.

In addition to the present service there will be a session on Saturday mornings each week.

Details are available from the mobile library.

Mention has been made before in this column of the booklet describing the Village Conservation Area.

For those persons who would like to obtain a copy, they should contact the Planning Department of Purbeck District Council.

The cost is £10.00 plus postage.

It is a very good book and sits very comfortably beside Mr Pitfield’s Book of Bere Regis.

As I write this, the Parish Housing Needs Survey letters are in the final delivery process.

A report has been received that responses are beginning to be received by the Rural Housing Enabler, which is very encouraging and makes the effort of getting the letters out very worthwhile.

He has written to say that four parishes in Purbeck have undertaken surveys and three were identified as having housing problems.

There were a total of thirty six households with such problems as having to leave tied accommodation, homes in poor repair, homes which were too small, mature children unable to afford independence etc.

These parishes are now receiving support for the delivery of small schemes to meet parish need.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation report ‘Can work, Can’t buy’ states that 89.6% of first time buyers in Purbeck cannot afford to buy the cheapest housing.

Thus the need to carry out a survey.

Incidentally if, when you read this, you have failed to respond please do send a response – it is never too late.

If you have lost your forms – filed away in the waste bin etc – give me a call for a replacement. (471342).

The Council has noticed that household rubbish is being deposited in the trees on the south side of Elder Road opposite the bottom of Manor Farm Road.

We have big enough problems with keeping the street clean so we ask that whoever is doing it, to please cease doing it.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Thursday 13th May at 6.30pm.

The early start is to allow for an Address on the proposed Parish Plan.

It is hoped that all organisations in the village will be represented as it is intended to form a Parish Plan Committee from this meeting. CM

May 2004 Meeting

The May Council meeting had to start early as we had a presentation on Parish Plans by Simon Thompson of Dorset Community Action and Ros Cartwright from the Purbeck District Council.
They spoke of how everybody could become involved in improving or providing for the Parish.
Subjects could be the environment, footpaths, communications, affordable housing, transport and anything that you have a particular yen for.
There is some money available to fund the team that it is necessary to set up.
The Council decided to go ahead and form a Parish Plan Team and apply for the grant.
Anybody can join the team just let any Parish Councillor have your name and it will be arranged for you to receive a form.
Even if you do not wish to become a member of the team but have an idea then again tell any Parish Councillor.
I am available on 471342 if you can not find a Councillor.

After the Parish Plans we faced the dear old C6. A County Council Roads Officer came to hear what the Council thought of the problem around the School.
Of course the School has submitted their solution to the problem of getting the children to School safely and the Council fully endorsed this.
In the lively discussion that ensued voices could be heard of ‘reducing the traffic by sending the Weymouth traffic via Dorchester and not Wool’ and ‘20mph by the School’.
This was a preamble before the School Governors meet with the MP and Councillors from Purbeck and County at the School gates the following Monday.
(This will all be history when you read it)

Having had a reasonable number of Parishioners attending for the first part of the meeting we had a good attendance for the public participation period.
Questions were asked about the Community Police and the state of the roundabouts and roads in general.
We hope to get a response on these in the near future.
The vexed question of vehicles using bridleways has been thrown up in our Parish concerning the route up by the Cemetery.
The Group that sponsors 4-wheel drive vehicles is attempting to have roads that used once to carry carts etc to be designated such that they can use them.
One can imagine the disturbance that this will cause and could make such pathways, for that is what they are, impassable by foot.
The Council will appeal against this and Councillors are to write to all of the Dorset MP’s to seek their support to getting the law altered.
If anybody feels the same way they are encouraged to contact Cllr.Laurie Fairhurst of No 9 North Street, our Rights of Way Councillor, who will supply the basis of a suitable letter.

The MP has written to the Council advising us that a Parishioner is not happy with the bus service.
As if by magic a new Time Table arrived and from it one can see an improved schedule of services.
The Council hopes that the services will be of help to all Parishioners.

The County Library service is being improved.
In addition to the weekly visits on Fridays there is to be a fortnightly visit on Saturdays between 1120 and 1230.
The service starts on June 19th and goes on fortnightly until March 12th 2005.
This is good news as it was not so long ago that we thought that we were going to lose our weekly visits.

The Play Park is in need of some tender loving care in the form of bark chips.
The Council has the bark chips but they are required to be spread about in an orderly manner.
The Council would appreciate any help from Dads, big brothers etc to get the task done.
If you can help please contact Keith Foster at 55 Elder Road and he will let you know when the chips are being delivered.

We have had a spate of crime in the village again.
A burglary and valuable stained glass windows in the Church smashed.
The burglars are described as being young adults but who smashes windows in the Church for fun?
I can not imagine that somebody comes to the Village to do this.
So presumably they live among us and one day they will let it slip.
If anybody hears anything about these incidents please do speak up and tell the Police.
The more that they hear the greater the response next time.

The response from the Parish to the Housing Survey was magnificent and the Council is very pleased.
Out of 790 letters sent out we had over 140 responses, which is very good indeed.
They are still being analysed but already it is clear that the survey indicates the need, in figures, that some housing is required in the Parish.
Before people get excited we are talking of small numbers of affordable rented housing.
It is that sector that is so important to the Village.

The May meeting of the Council can be likened to the Government’s reshuffle in the summer.
We elect the Chairman and vice Chairman and sort out the Committees.
This year there is to be no change in Chairman.
The vice Chairman is Mr Jim Parsons of White Lovington.
The Committees remained unchanged except that Mr Guy Storey now has the Youth portfolio.

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 11th June at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall. CM

June 2004 Meeting

At the June meeting the Council recorded their thanks to the team of volunteers who had distributed the bark about the Play Park area.
This is an onerous but very necessary task and the team led and organised by Jayne George seems to have completed the task very quickly.

The Council discussed the state of the Youth Shelter, or rather lack of it at present.
It now looks as if we are going for a steel prefabricated shelter together with a kicking wall.
After the construction of a concrete base the shelter can be easily dropped into place, which would seem simpler than constructing as originally planned.
Funding seems to be in place and it is hoped to include the necessary lighting.

The toilet block at the car park is a regular topic discussed by the Council.
The District Council regularly ask our views as to its future.
Our Council takes the view that though it may be easier to demolish to provide a couple of extra parking spaces, that replacement when the present trend of vandalism dies down, would be prohibitive.
Thus we wish them to be retained even though there may be a charge for maintaining them from time to time.

The long awaited work to tidy up the roundabouts was welcomed.
Sadly the weeds in the gutters are not seen to be in the same priority.
It is hoped that these may be dealt with before the Gardens Open Day.

The Council is rightly taken to task concerning the footpaths and the weeds overgrowing them in particular.
Gone are the days when we could direct a person to deal with these and it results in a long process of reporting to the County and waiting for them to deal with the problem.
This year has been particularly bad with the nettles seeming to thrive on hot dry conditions.
Naturally with the apparent lack of progress the feeling gets around that the Council is not interested in footpaths.
Nothing could be further from the truth as many of us walk the paths regularly.

The Council representatives attend the meetings of the North Purbeck Task Group - the current name for Crime Prevention - and the recent meeting great emphasis was placed upon the sale of restricted items - tobacco, videos, alcoholic drink, fireworks and solvents.
As a safeguard there is a scheme of Proof of Age Identity Cards which children can obtain free of charge from their Middle and Secondary Schools.
The problem of abuse could be assisted if all children carried such a card and thus parents and guardians are requested to encourage children to obtain them.

The Parish Plan is progressing thanks to the drive by our Vice Chairman Mr Jim Parsons.
It is now on schedule and an application for funding should be in the correct place before the closing date.
There will need to be an Open Meeting once we have funding and from that there should 'sprout' some ideas to improve our location. Immediate thoughts might include our footpaths and a guide to them, the Village Hall, facilities to counter the youthful response of 'there's nothing to do', transport including roads, `safe routes to school', housing - see next paragraph, linking in with a CCTV system - a lot of money but might be of interest, conservation in particular of Souls Moor.

The report resulting from the Housing Needs Survey has been published and makes for some very interesting reading.
Each Councillor has a copy and if you wish to read it then please approach them. In response to the 746 letter delivered there were 173 replies.
Of these 155 responded positively concerning the need for houses whilst 16 disagreed.
There were 25 replies stating a need, which represented 62 people.
The conclusion of the report recommended that we need 24 units to meet the need expressed in the survey. It goes on to state' that the survey shows a strong approval from the Community for the provision of secure affordable housing for local householders on low or middle incomes.
The Parish Council and respondents could now consider the next steps and the active participation of the Parish Council would help to realise a scheme in a shorter period of time.
The time taken between carrying out the survey and moving into finished homes tends to be around two years'.
This is an important matter as it could have a real impact on our lives.
For example we need children for the school and also we need firefighters for our Fire and Rescue Service.
Both could be provided with the right type of housing.

July 2004 Meeting

At the July meeting the Council received the Housing Needs Survey Report.
Mr Andy Lloyd the Housing Enabler presented his report and for this part of the meeting there were some Parishioners who had responded with specific requests, in the audience.
With a 22% response we were very pleased.
The recommendation is that we require 24 housing units to meet the needs of those people that responded.
Fortunately being a small Parish with population of less than 3000 people we are able to use ‘exception sites’ for the provision of Affordable Housing.
These sites are an entirely distinct land use category and cannot be used as levers for commercial development.
The Council must now consider the report and decide whether to ratify it or not.
If it is accepted then the Council, together with the Enabler, will be looking for suitable locations, within the requirements of the rules covering exceptional sites, in order to pass the scheme on to a Housing Association.

The Parish Plan is developing and an application has been made for a grant.
A Parish Plan is a document identifying all the relevant issues of importance to a community to include issues of social, economic and environmental concern.
It is far more comprehensive than a parish appraisal or village design statement.
If it is to represent the views of the entire community everyone should have an opportunity to participate in its preparation.
It needs to be based upon information provided through research, survey and consultation. The final focus needs to be upon action through the development of an action plan and identification of who is responsible for each action.
It is a requirement of the Countryside Agency that a copy of the final Action Plan is circulated to all households within the Parish.

The next step is the establishment of the Steering Group, which is tasked with looking for the improvements to the Parish Structure.
The Group needs to be representative of the Parish, but not the Parish Council.
It is recommended that only two Parish councillors serve and that neither be the Chairman of the Group.
The Group will only exist for one year after which the final plan is prepared and that it is then passed over to the Parish Council who will use it as a guide to those items that the Parish thinks are important.
Thus the plea is that we are looking for people to come forward to serve on the Steering Group.
We had some people who submitted their names at the original meeting and they will be contacted.
If anybody – ideally including a young person – would volunteer would that please contact Mr Jim Parsons on 471050.

The Council have had to survey the memorials in the cemetery to check their safety.
Several were found to be less secure than they were when set up and in time we will need to contact any relatives, if indeed there are any left, to make the memorial safe.
This is going to be a long task and if relatives cannot be found it may be necessary to have the dangerous part laid down.
In the meantime the Council asks that parents warn children of the potential dangers of playing in and around the cemetery.

The Poole Hill roundabout is due to be grassed over later in the summer, which should save it from becoming a mud pond.

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 12th August at 7.00pm.

August 2004 Meeting

The Council, at its August meeting, was graced by the presence of our MP, Mrs Annette Brookes.
She always tries to visit during the summer recess and just listens to our deliberations.
She expressed interest at this meeting in our thoughts on Affordable Housing in the Parish.

A Parishioner expressed his concern about the apparent lack of interest in the Village by the Police.
Our Beat Constable has been off sick for a long time and has not been seen.
Correspondence by this Parishioner with the police hierarchy also had not been helpful.
The Council is concerned about the disturbances around the Royal Oak on Friday and Saturday evenings at closing time, indeed as I write this one can hear people shouting in the street.
The advice that has been proffered by the Police, if one is involved in an incident, is to phone Wareham Police on 552222 and to ensure that you note the date and time of your call.
You should ask for a crime number and the name of the person to whom you speak at the time.
This may seem illogical but if we are to get a Police presence then all of the incidents need to be reported and recorded as statistics which can be used in the future for reference.

The Council debated the Affordable Housing report that had been presented at our previous meeting.
The report was agreed but concern was expressed as to whether the recommended total of twenty four units should be provided as one scheme.
The Council was of the opinion that the units should be built incrementally on in-fill sites.
Councillors were therefore tasked with finding suitable in-fill sites around the Village.

Mrs Brookes reported that she has many letters concerning the use by 4x4 vehicles and motorcycles on our bridleways.
These letters, from mainly urban addresses, call for greater access to our bridleways.
The Council is deeply concerned of these intrusions on our peaceful countryside and advised our MP accordingly.
Clearly there is a big move afoot by people wishing to drive on the ancient ways in or on unsuitable vehicles and Council asks that anybody who objects, to the thought of such intrusion, should lobby the MP by letter.
The more people that do this the better.
Her address is simply The House of Commons, London SW1A 1AA

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 9th September at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.

September 2004 Meeting

At the beginning of each Council meeting The Chairman comments on points that he has noticed throughout the Parish or items that are brought to his attention.
This provides a contemporary backdrop to the matters under consideration at the monthly meeting.
The September meeting was no exception apart from providing some very serious thoughts about our village.

Firstly he had been spoken to by our Postmaster who explained the seriousness of the state of the Post Office business.
We have heard many times of the threat of closure, but the next day it is always still there as if the problem has gone away.
The problem has not gone away, in fact it has probably got worse.
Due to the payments of allowances etc being paid directly into bank accounts the number of customers visiting the Post Office has reduced.
Customers visits mean income because the Post Office is credited on transactions, thus fewer transactions equals less income to meet the overheads of the business.
When he met the Chairman he was actually trying to locate another site for the Post Office, something smaller that would not present such a burden as the present office.
The Parish Council, recognising the importance of the Post Office in the community, will endeavour to assist.

Another sadness that the Chairman encountered was learning that the Reception Class at our School was only eight strong.
The Headmaster stated that one family had gone away from the Parish because they were unable to find a house here and had gone to where they could obtain a house.

The final point was in connection with the Chairman being also the PCC Secretary.
He reminded the Councillors of the parlous state of the Church finances and how in this current year the PCC is having to find an additional £50,000 on top of the £50,000 that it costs in running the Church.
The consequences of not raising the running costs are, as the Chairman stated, too awful to imagine.

The County Councillor, together with our District Councillor, has had a meeting with the Police Superintendent for the Eastern Division, in which we are situated.
He represented the concerns of the village at the apparent lack of police presence when there were potential problems.
Our MP has done likewise by writing to the Chief Constable and our Chairman has spoken strongly with the Inspector at Wareham.
Assurances have been given for improvements at the difficult times.
One positive step is that from November we will have our new Community Beat Officer in place.
The Chairman has met her and he found her to be very keen to get in post and get to know everyone.

The much discussed Youth Shelter was discussed further.
The Council is now planning to provide a ‘ready to assemble’ structure together with a kicking Wall.
Some funding has already been received via the Police and an application for the balance has been made to the Dorset Strategic Partnership – a new source of funding that the Council only learned of at their meeting.
It is money generated from second homes Council Tax so it will not affect our Parish precept.

The provision of Affordable Housing was discussed by Councillors.
The previous meeting’s suggestion about using ‘in fill’ sites to counter the fear of sites expanding into larger developments was further discussed.
It was resolved that three or four sites to take the number of houses required would meet the Parish needs.

It may seem early, but Christmas is coming around.
Each year the Council provides trees for houses and businesses for external display.
The overall effect is most pleasant and the Council is grateful to the participants who brighten up the village at this special time.
If you would like a tree to display, please inform the Clerk – Jim Ruddock on 556 263.

October 2004 Meeting

The October meeting was preceeded by a presentation by the Police.
The local Commander Inspector Downer, was accompanied by her Sergeant, a Special Constable and our new Community Beat Officer, PC Lyn Adams.
Each described their tasks in countering crime in this area.
They were quizzed in detail by Parishioners about particular incidents, particularly in the vicinity of The Cross. PC Adams is very keen to meet as many people as possible when she is undertaking her duties as our CBO, however it must be understood that that is only one of her tasks.
We welcomed her to Bere Regis and we look forward to seeing her around the Streets.

Modern policing, using fewer Constables, requires is good communications.
Unless incidents are reported the Police can not take action to resolve it.
Many times it has been stated that when an incident is reported it is essential to note the date and the time, to obtain the name of the person to whom the report is made and to obtain a Crime Number.
It is then possible to trace the incident, if necessary, at a later date.
Complaints have been made that the telephone messages are not dealt with effectively or that one is left in limbo as it has proved impossible to get a contact with the Police.
It is essential to be patient and calm throughout.

The Police advised us of another number to be used in reporting incidents. In emergency situations then use 999.
If it a lesser incident use 552222 as this connects to a service which links all Police Stations.
Thus if Wareham is busy or unmanned then the message is passed to another Station that is available and then passed to the relevant Section to be dealt with.
The Police require our help and given that they do reduce the fear of crime.
Compared with many other places we are fortunate to live in a safe area.

The Council also had a briefing from Mr Andrew Brown, of The Dorset County Council, concerning the Safe Routes to School.
This will be the subject of an Exhibition and Public Consultation at the School on November 10th.
As the road up by the School is predominant in this matter everybody concerned with any thoughts on that road should try to attend and make comments.

The Council draw your attention to the excellent start that has been made towards the compilation of the Parish Plan.
This is your chance to produce a Plan that will guide the Parish Council in the future.
So many people wish later that they suggested something – but its always later and then too late.
A new timetable – just for Bere Regis – is being produced.
It will be delivered throughout the Parish within the next month – make sure that you get your copy.

The next meeting of the Council will be on Thursday 11th November at 7.00pm in the Drax Hall.

November 2004 Meeting

The November meeting was held just after the School Open Day which had included the exhibition of the proposed improvements to the pathways in the vicinity of the School.
The Council hopes that everyone concerned let their views be heard by returning the questionnaire.
This is a big opportunity to encourage and to make walking to school safer.
The improvements will of course be available to all walkers.
The Council have a long term plan to link the Riverside Path from Sitterton to the new path on the western side of Rye Hill, via a new bridge by the Scout HQ and an equally new footpath across the Moor to Southbrook.

Whilst talking of footpaths, the Council invites any Parishioner, or Group of Parishioners, to ‘adopt a footpath’.
The idea is to keep these important links open by noting any problems and reporting them to the Parish Council who would arrange for any work to be undertaken.
If anybody is interested then please do contact any Councillor.

The long debated Youth Shelter is currently up for planning approval at District Council.
A previous design was approved but difficulties with its construction were encountered and so a prefabricated shelter is going to be put up.
The principle of the shelter has been agreed and so it should be a formality to obtain the necessary approval.
The actual construction should be accomplished quite quickly.
In the meantime the youth are invited to make good use of the Viking which visits the village on Thursday evenings.

The Council learned of the withdrawal of the Wareham bus service to take effect in early December. Presumably the bus was not being used and so the County Council was reluctant to put any more subsidy into the service.
It is very sad as the service was reminder of the Bere Regis & District Coaches which operated radially from the village to the various market towns throughout the weekdays.
There is currently a great debate on the handling of waste in the County.
This is not a very glamorous subject, but it is necessary to consider just what we are going to do with it all.
The old ‘cheap’ burying and forgetting methods are no good and for the future we need to dispose of it more scientifically.
The County has put up various exhibitions illustrating the way that they see progress but as ever few people visit to comment. Invariably it is only the protesters in a specific area that one hears loudest.
Sadly these folk do not have an alternative solution.
The impact that we in our Parish may notice any new procedures, to disposing of the waste, is in increased traffic on our immediate roads.
I try to visit these exhibitions and express our concerns of this increasing traffic particularly on the dear old C6 by the School.

The Council is very pleased to see that the Parish Plan Committee are getting stuck into their brief.
Their task, given to them by the Council, is to produce a Plan that has been agreed by the Parish that the Council will use in years to come as a guide to providing improvements in the Parish.
All suggestions will be listed, debated and categorised so that the final report will be a meaningful document.
The Council has its own suggestions – do make sure that yours are included as well.

December 2004 Meeting

At its December meeting the Council discussed the Safe route to School project which is receiving £100,000 from BP.
The School Governors and Parents together with others interested were invited to comment on the various alternatives available.
The Council added its weight behind the Schools choice of a zebra crossing and a ‘lollipop patrol’.
This will provide a safe crossing at the school at all times and for everybody – not just the children at the school.
It is thus hoped to see the project go forth in the New Year with the designs and one hopes for the actual route being in place by the next school year.

The Christmas trees and lights were up as scheduled.
Its thanks to the residents and businesses that we have these delicate reminders of the Christmas time to come.
I have heard many complimentary comments.

There was good news about the Youth Shelter.
We had applied for a further grant from the Police Partnership having already received £5000 last year.
They have awarded a further £5,000 which means that once the planning approval is received we can go ahead to order the various parts.
Thus all being well it should be possible to see it in place by Easter but we will believe that when we see it!

A planning application was received from the owners of the petrol station concerning the changes being made to the site including the replacement of the storage tanks.
The Council noted, and draws Parishioners attention to the fact that the facility will be closed for a long period.

Parishioners may be surprised to see the large pear tree at bottom of Chapel Lane being removed in the near future. On learning of the proposal, Councillors challenged the need to remove it.
The Tree Officer at PDC responded that it is dangerous and he supported the application from the Morden Estate Co. for its removal Councillors have asked that the area be tided and for a replacement tree to be planted.