Bere Regis Village Website

Bere Regis Parish Council Monthly Report





January 2001


At the January meeting the Council learned with regret that Miss Sue Stone had resigned from both the Council and the District Council.

Councillors paid tribute to her for her contribution to the work of both Councils and her representation of the Village throughout the six years of her service.

She was a tireless Councillor being a member of many committees but has found that it all clashed too much with her employment.

Without doubt she will be missed.

The meeting was addressed by the two Heritage Rangers for Purbeck, Messrs Dick Burt for East Purbeck and Bob Ashington for West Purbeck.

They explained their respective roles and offered any help towards the maintenance of paths and projects to preserve the environment.

The problems of the woods below the Black Hill Reservoir, where motor cycles are conflicting with the badgers and other wild life were discussed at length.

The Debenham Estate, to whom the land belongs, is to be contacted concerning the nuisance.

The Council finalised the Precept and concluded that a small rise was necessary for the coming year.

The District Council is concerned that the Council Tax will have to rise to meet the needs of their expenditure, having had a reduction of input from Central Government. In an endeavour to explain this and to get the feeling of the Parish concerning the rationalisation of facilities, the District Council is addressing a Public Meeting in the Drax Hall.

This meeting, mentioned in the January report, will have been held when this report is published.

The Local Planning Inquiry has deferred the Bere Regis section until Tuesday 27th March.

It appears that the District Council's attention has been drawn to p shortcoming on their part concerning the Conservation Area.

Quite what is necessary to be done before the Inquiry can look at Bere Regis again is uncertain.

The Council is concerned about the proposals to reduce the speed of traffic on Rye Hill being changed from what was discussed with the County Council.

Apparently there is doubt about the 40 mph buffer zone on the south side of the hill being incorporated.

The Council has not been advised officially as yet but Mrs Briggs, the County Councillor, seemed to think that these changes result from an objection that has been lodged.





February 2020


At the February meeting your scribe reported that he had attended, on that day a meeting at County Hall concerning the A30/35/31 Exeter to Southampton Road.

This was a consultation meeting between the operators of the road and the various Councils along its length.

The problems discussed involved noise pollution, the dangers of crossing by foot or with a horse and I was able to speak about the routing of the Weymouth traffic.

This latter point is very important as at present the traffic is routed through to Rye Hill and on down to Wool.

The maps produced at the meeting actually indicated that the intended route into and out of Weymouth is via the Dorchester by-pass.

I was able to point out that the road signs at the two roundabouts at Bere Regis are minor indications to Weymouth, whereas at the Affpuddle junction there is a major indication to Weymouth via Dorchester.

The Council will pursue this point with the aim of getting the Weymouth traffic off the C6 over Rye Hill. Current studies of the road in our area include on-line improvements to the A31 at Winterbourne Zelston, along the length from Lion Gate to Roundhouse and on the Bere Regis to Lake Gate length.

We were very pleased to hear, from the County Council, that the same C6 and Rye Hill in particular is to receive new indications and the requested 40mph `buffer' zone at the south end of the present 30mph limit.

These we are led to believe will be those that the Parish Council discussed with the County road engineer when we met on the site. Time will show!

The Purbeck District Council, through the Heritage Committee, are launching a new look to the Annual Purbeck Aware event.

The festival will be lasting a whole month from 19th May to 17th June inclusive.

The theme is to be 'Purbeck People' which should allow us to celebrate famous past residents.

All organisations are invited to consider taking part and putting on an event which, in return, the Heritage Committee will publicise through various means including the press and a special leaflet which will be produced covering all events.

The aim is to attract visitors to the area and to our particular events.

Interested organisations are invited to contact Ruth Nicholson or Katherine Wright at the Purbeck Tourist Information Centre, Wareham. 01929 552 740.



March 2020

The March meeting was the Annual Parish Meeting which, though well advertised on the Parish Noticeboard, had just two Parishioners attending.

The Chairman, Mr Lionel Street, reviewed the past year in the life of the Council.

One parishioner raised the problems associated with the foot and mouth epidemic concerning access to the countryside.

The Chairman welcomed the recently elected District Councillor, Mr P Wharf to the Council meeting.

At a later stage in the meeting Mr Wharf was elected to fill the vacancy on the Parish Council.

An observation was made concerning the litter to be seen on the sides of the roads in the Parish. A letter is to be sent to the District Council requesting that efforts be made to clear this continual nuisance.

The Council is concerned that Parish information is not easily disseminated around the Parish and thus they are looking for suitable sites for notice boards. Four possible sites have been identified eg adjacent to the School, Hyde - by the post box, Sitterton - by the bridge and Elder Road.

The Council will now investigate the possibility of siting suitable notice boards but as they are not cheap it will not be happening overnight.

The Council is concerned about the potential dangers from spring action guns and catapults that are to be seen in the hands of some young people in the Village.

The West window of the church has been damaged by a catapulted missile and a glass panel in the telephone kiosk has been damaged.

Worse damage is possible and the bearers of the guns, which at first appearance look so real, should remember that the Police have severe ways of dealing with incidents particularly where a weapon is involved.

The matter of Chapel Lane ownership and rerouting of the right of way together with a request to sort out the messy corner at Turberville Road was raised and the Clerk will write to the parties concerned.

One Councillor had recently attended a meeting of the Dorset County Council Transport Forum. The agenda concerned roads as well as public transport. It would appear that large sums of money are being made available to repair roads and to reduce potential accident spots. These are five and ten year plans! However we can look forward to

a The upgrading the C6 - Rye Hill road to Wool - being upgraded to a B classification.

This needs to be looked at advantages that can be gained by upgrading eg road markings as it is the intention to mark speed limits on A and B roads.

bThe County is looking at a cross County scheme for concessionary fares as the present District led scheme does not work fairly.

c  The restriction to 50 mph on specific lengths of the A35.

d  A safe route to school is to be investigated.

In addition the views of the Council concerning the Weymouth bound traffic were well aired at this meeting and a promise was made that the route signing would be looked at again.

The Council reminds Parishioners of their entitlement to make use of Postal and Proxy votes.

Whereas until recently it was necessary to. have strong reasons for using this method of voting at Local and General Elections, it is now very easy and avoids becoming disenfranchised through illness or sudden changes in plans.

The Electoral Roll is now a continually amended document and one can claim a vote immediately your new circumstances are known.

If in any doubt contact the Electoral Registration Officer at Purbeck District Council.

APRIL 2020

At the April meeting the Council fully supported the 'Bere for all' Heritage Day and decided to display some of the old records from the archives.

Such papers as the Burial Records which in former days recorded the causes of death and also the occupation of the deceased.

These will compare interestingly with the employ of the contemporary populace.

Sadly the Parish records today do not record these details as most people elect to be cremated and thus are not included in the Burial Record.

Your scribe believes that we are losing some valuable information for future generations.

Sadly one of the remaining reminders of the old Bere Regis & District Motor Services has come to an end.

The Service 312 bus to Wareham on Tuesdays has had to go as it lacked sufficient support to justify the continuation of its subsidy. The Linkrider service continues but the time in Wareham is quite short.

If anybody has a comment to make concerning this service perhaps they would contact me on 471342.

It is of interest that the Government through its Rural White Paper is making £10,000, over three years, available to enable Parish Councils to provide a specifically required transport service.

This might be in the form of a mini bus or taxi to a particular place on a regular basis for people who are denied such pleasures as visiting a town for shopping.

Details are more than a bit scant at present but will become better known in the near future and will be advertised.

The Police have equipped themselves with a mobile Advice Centre.

The whole of Dorset is covered by two such vehicles and ours, which extends from Christchurch to Bere Regis, is visiting on the 24th May.

Other Agencies are also making use of this facility so it will be rather like the old Blue Van with the added presence of the Police.

With the 'peculiar' winter behind us with all of the flooding etc, global warming is not far from our minds.

Thus we are being implored to try to recycle as much as possible.

To this end the District Council is encouraging the use of composting to reduce the amount of waste that needs to be 'land filled'. Watch out for the offer.

May 2020

At the May meeting it is the custom of our Council to elect the Chairman and Officers who are going to undertake the work of the Council during the forthcoming year. Thus Mr L L Street was re-elected Chairman and Mr A Dunning as vice Chairman.

The visiting PC advised us of the recent crimes which seemed mainly to do with the removal of cars, removal of items from cars and the theft of property in houses and sheds.
He reminded us that these losses result from carelessness in not looking after our belongings.
This is not untrue but it shows that there are some dishonest people about as well.
In the meantime be careful. He explained why it was that there did not seem to be much of a police presence and invited those concerned to write to the Chief Constable.

A vote of thanks was unanimously agreed for the Heritage exhibition that had been presented by the Bere for All team.
It was so successful that serious thought for its repetition at some stage was suggested.

The Local Plan Inquiry was reported on particularly with reference to the Bere Regis day when the Inspector heard our objections more informally.
He later visited the village to see the proposed sites for development.
The whole exercise was considered to be a success and it is to be hoped that the report, when published in about eighteen months time, will reflect upon our thoughts.

A deputation of the youth in the village made a plea for support to get something under way for them.
The younger children are catered for already and the Council is keen to try to help the older children.
There was a request for a shelter and a skate park area.
A small sub-committee was formed with the task of trying to bring together the needs and translating them into reality.
The Grainger Trust, who purchased Souls Moor, are aware of the need and have offered the use of some land on the Moor.
The Council, through the sub-committee, will investigate available grants to endeavour to meet the requirements.

June 2001

We were visited by Alison Turnock, The Purbeck District Council Heritage Officer at the June meeting who described the aspects of the Purbeck Heritage to us.
This organisation, that by name would seem to be historical, does offer help and facilities to improve communities within Purbeck.
Of interest to us are the offers of assistance with funding of potential transport and appraisal projects including environmental concerns.
One particular item that she mentioned was the hope of getting a bus to enable people to visit the Purbeck Sports Centre on one evening a week.
This is long overdue.

A Parishioner reminded us of the possible consequences of re-opening the toilets at the Car Park and he left us in no doubt about the fears of the people living in the immediate neighbourhood.
Though the Council would in principle like to see the toilets re-open to provide the service that they were erected for eg. the visitors to the area, the Council is equally fearful of a return to the vandalism that has been experienced in the past.
There was talk of removing them but the Council was opposed to this as the cost in the future of replacing them would be prohibitive.
Thus they have been saved whilst we all, not just the Council, decide on how they can be managed in the future, as without doubt they are needed.

The problem is Vandalism and we as a Society have to decide whether we give in to it or not.
The Council asks why the young, and not so young people, are attracted to the toilet block.
The answer given by the 'nothing to do Brigade' is boredom.
The Council is conscious that there are some young people who are not currently catered for in the Village.
They see some facilities at other places but none here in Bere Regis.
Thus the Council has been attempting to solve this by investigating the provision of an area for these young people.
The Grainger Trust has offered the Council the use of some land at the Southbrook end of The Moors and the Council in turn has approached the District Council Planning Officers to obtain their opinion on its use.
At this stage one can only say that the District Council's response was most disappointing.
Our problem is not unique, it is applicable to all communities in Purbeck and the Councils throughout the District together with the Police are trying to find ways to counter this boredom, at least that is what we are told.
Clearly it is a most unsatisfactory state that the Planners have shown only a negative response to a practical solution in this Village.
The Parish Council is calling a meeting with these same Officers from the District Council to discuss the matter further as we believe that this is a positive step in the right direction.

The New Hall Committee (NHC), the sub-committee appointed by the Parish Council tasked with finding a site for the new Village Hall, presented their conclusions after .b nearly two years of deliberation.
After studying about four sites in detail and being rejected from each the one final site was in Elder Road near to the Scout HQ. As this is being written we still await the final comments from the Scouts.

At present this scheme should only be considered as an idea but the NHC has prepared o most attractive and functional Hall that could be provided on that site.
In addition to meeting the stated needs of the Scouts, it would have twice the volume of the Drax Hall in the main hall. It would all be on the ground floor and the disabled are catered for.
The Parish Council accepted the report and agreed that the next step was for the NHC to present it to the District Council Planning Officers in order to obtain their agreement in principle.
After that we have to aim to acquire the land - currently owned by the District Council - and then to set about obtaining the Planning Approval. The funding comes later and the Council agreed that it is no good starting on funding before we have covered all of these other steps.

July 2001

At the July meeting the Council was addressed by Mr Mark Sturgess who is the Conservation Architect at Purbeck District Council. He had been invited to offer a presentation as one of the shortcomings shown up at the Local Planning Inquiry was the absence of an up to date Conservation Survey.
The County had undertaken one after the completion of the by-pass in the early eighties and identified work, mainly resulting in the removal of telegraph and power cable poles that dotted the village in those days.

The new survey will identify features that ought to be included, or indeed some that might be removed.
The task is to be assisted by the Parish Council in an endeavour to complete the it in a reasonable time.
Mr Sturgess did warn though that funds with which to undertake the recommended works were limited in the District.
The resulting document will, however, be a significant contribution to any future Village Design Statement.

The District Council is currently planning a maintenance scheme for the land west of the Scout HQ to Sitterton.
Both the District and Parish Councils are keen to receive opinions from interested Parishioners and are therefore holding a Site meeting on the evening of Monday 6th September.
The plan is to assemble near to the Scout HQ at 7.OOpm and then to walk the route observing and noting requirements.

The Council was addressed by the Community Policeman, PC Jon Stuart, who explained that he was keen to communicate with Parishioners and get to know of problems.
He had identified some troublesome areas in the short time that he has been here.
He explained that he had transferred from the Metropolitan Police in London, where he had been a rural Community Officer in Essex, thus he had some experience in the task.
To this end he intends to be available, when his duties permit, when the Community Police Van visits the Village.
This fact will be advertised on the Village Noticeboard.
He was asked about a recent incident involving the helicopter hovering over the North end of the Village in the middle of the night.
He stated that the helicopter is only employed as and when the situation warrants it within the operating constraints at the time.
Thus if it is around then the situation is serious - in the incident referred to, people were reported to be trapped in their car following an accident and the helicopter was deployed to provide much needed lighting to assist the Fire and Rescue team.

The public toilets were discussed at length by the Councilors who are in a dilemma as to their future.
Ideally in a civilised country like ours we ought to be able to provide this service for the many visitors who come here and who in their relatively short visits may spend money to assist our economy.
Because of the past history the Councilors are reluctant to ignore the warnings put up by the immediate neighbourhood whilst at the same time they are conscious of their civic responsibilities.
Ideally the toilets should have an attendant present during the times that it is open, but that is expensive.
One suggestion was that they be opened for a short period during the day when an attendant could be present.
The Council is investigating the costs involved.

The provision of facilities for the youth were discussed and they were well represented at the meeting.
As was reported in these notes the Grainger Trust have suggested that a part of their newly acquired land at Souls Moor could be made available.
The Parish Council sought the advice of the relevant District Council Officer who stated that Planning Approval would be necessary and added other indications of his dissatisfaction with the proposal.
One point that he raised was clearly essential and that involved the need to survey the neighbouring properties before proceeding further.
It was thus agreed that a letter be sent to each adjacent property inviting them to a meeting at the Drax Hall on Monday 30th July at 7.00 pm. In addition notices of this Public Meeting would be placed on the Village noticeboard.

August 2001

The August meeting of the Council attracted a few Parishioners who had attended the Public Meeting on 30th July concerning the proposal to site a Play Area at Souls Moor.
It was clear that those who attended were against the Council's proposal and aired their objections with certain vigour.
Prior to the Public Meeting fifty four addresses in the vicinity of the area concerned were written to inviting them to the meeting. In addition notices were displayed in the Village inviting anybody to attend.
On the night in question there were thirteen people of whom nine came from six of the addresses to whom letters had been sent.

At the Council meeting the debate took place during the Public Participation period.
The few documents relating to the background of this matter were made available thus dispensing with the thought of the Council 'going behind the residents backs'.
The matter will be discussed further at the next month's meeting as it is the intention of the Council to try to provide something for the 'not so young' members of the Parish whilst at the same time not creating problems with the majority of people living nearby.
We could be described as being in a 'no win' situation - and I might say that the Village as a whole is in this situation - we have a problem crying out for some positive action, we need to provide these young people with something that interests them. If we do not we will suffer the effects of 'bored' young people. Ignore it and we are wrong, do something and in the eyes of some we are also wrong!
There are many obstacles to be overcome and apart from the present objectors, the District Council Officer at Westport House, who responded to our initial enquiry, listed many  objections which he no doubt thought would be sufficient for us to drop the idea.
I wonder whether such gentlemen read the local free press as there have been many lines written concerning the provision of facilities for these young people throughout the District.

The relationship between the Council and the 'Bere for All' group was raised and discussed at length.
There are obviously common areas of thought as both organisations are trying to work for the betterment of the Parish. It was decided that the two Groups should meet and arrive at an agenda of common interests.

One Parishioner warned of the emergence of Ragwort.
She had observed it around the sides of roads and paths. In the past this deadly menace was combated using sprays by the Council and landowners.
However with restrictions on the use of sprays the weed has been allowed to remain.
The only real, cure is to remove the plants entirely by digging up the roots and disposing of the plant on a bonfire. Again not a favoured past-time in these enlightened times.

The New Hall Committee reported that no reply had been received from the Scout Group concerning the proposal to have a joint building. They had promised a response by the end of July.
Until this response is received the Parish Council can not make the next move of presenting our proposal to the District Council Officers.

In last month's report I made a mistake on the details of the site meeting along Elder Road.
I got the date right but the wrong day!
Thus the correct date is Thursday 6th September at 7.OOpm when it is intended that Councillors and Parishioners walk from the Scout HQ to Sitterton noting points for the management of the area.
Please accept my sincere apologies.

September 2001

Before the commencement of business at the September meeting the Council recorded its condolences to those affected by the recent events in New York and Washington and observed a few moments of silence in their honour.

PC Stuart was in attendance and both Councillors and Parishioners informed him of the disturbances that they and residents experienced from noisy pedestrians in West Street and North Street during the silent hours, particularly on Fridays.
It was thought that the perpetrators were frequenting the garage to obtain food after the pubs had closed.
Incidents commented on in addition to noise were the knocking on doors and windows.
The Parishioners stated that they had tried to contact the Police but to no avail.
PC Stuart regretted the lack of response but added that at that time of night there are only a few constables available to cover the whole of the Wareham Police District.
However he did ask that residents persist in their endeavours to contact the Police as there was bound to be a time when the Police would be there whilst the incidents of disorderly behaviour were occurring.
He stated that the garage was visited from time to time in the night to check on the safety of the Staff.

The Council has decided to obtain a number of bins to enable dog owners to dispose of faeces otherwise left on walkways etc. Initially three bins will be obtained and will be positioned strategically in popular dog walking areas.
They will be emptied by the District Council on a regular basis and the overall situation will be observed to see whether a reduction in the nuisance has been achieved and whether more bins need to be sited.

The Council is in the process of preparing an Appraisal of the Conservation Area.
This Appraisal is required, and should have been undertaken by the District Council, as part of their presentation of the Local Plan.
However it was not done and the small amount that the District Council have since produced was not to a very good standard.
Thus a combined team from the Parish Council, Bere for All and BRRAD have joined forces and produced an amended version of the District document.
This is by far a superior document as it is being produced by local people who know the subject well. In passing it was surprising to learn for example that the District Council seemed unaware of Mr Pitfield's superb book on Bere Regis that was published in 1978. This was three years before the creation of the Conservation Area that came about as a result of the provision of the bye-pass.

The Council has received a response from the Army at Bovington concerning the passage of armoured vehicles on Rye Hill. They explain in their letter that their driver training has got to include periods on public roads in preparation for their operations in the Balkans. They went on to offer to visit the Parish Council at a meeting to explain their activities further and their willingness to meet with Parishioners. Thus the Council is contacting Bovington with the intention of inviting the writer of the letter to the November meeting. Confirmation of this arrangement will be included in next months report.

Sadly the New Hall Committee is still awaiting a letter from the Scouts concerning their interest in a joint project with the Village. A letter stating their agreement in principle has been received with a promise of their detailed requirements to follow.
Until we know the details, on paper, it is no use taking the next step.
Therefore at this rate it is anticipated that the NHC will meet at the end of October on the 31 st. A notice to this effect will be issued when the reply from the Scouts is received.

The meeting between the Bere for All Group and Parish Council was reported.
The two groups identified common interests and the way forward in overcoming some of the problems, that had arisen from the proposals particularly concerning the provision of a cycle area on Souls Moor.
The Council has no desire to upset the Parishioners living in the immediate neighbourhood and so the meeting endeavoured to compromise between the two factions.
It was suggested that the cycle area be positioned to the west of Egdon Close near to the gateway in the hedge.
The SNCI on the northern side of the Moor would need protection in the form of a fence.
However before we can proceed further it is necessary to obtain the approval to this from the Dorset Wildlife Trust and this is currently awaited.
If that approval is obtained the Council will approach the Parishioners again to seek their agreement at a Public Meeting.
After that we have to obtain the approval of the District Council before we can permit the youngsters to create their cycle track.

The Council recorded its appreciation for the Incumbency of the Ven.Graham Roblin OBE during the past nine years and wished he and Mrs Roblin their best wishes for a very happy retirement.

October 2001

On the same evening as the Parish Council met in October the District Council was meeting to consider their reaction to the withdrawal, by the Developers, from the building of 1350 houses at Holton Heath.
This had been the subject of a special meeting at Sandford School the week before when the Bere Regis views on the possible rejection of the plan, and thereby its implication on Bere Regis, was well aired by one of our Parish Councillors.
Thus it was with some concern that one observed the numerically small number of Parishioners at our meeting.

The Parish Council certainly discussed possible implications during their debate on the Conservation Appraisal that is being conducted by the District Council ably assisted, and one might say led, by our own Parish. Councillors.
This is a very important aspect of the Local Plan and perhaps more so in light of the developments, or lack of them, at Holton Heath.
Our Council is concerned that the Appraisal is not being conducted in line with the recommendations of English Heritage and is endeavouring to get the District Council to follow those recommendations.

It is coming to Christmas Tree time again.
The Council is planning to provide trees to those places that in the past have had them to display.
Whereas until a couple of years ago the Council arranged for the trees to be illuminated, the illumination is now the responsibility of the owners.
This seemed to work well last year and the Village looked very seasonal.

The mobile 'Police Station' seems set to visit the Village on; the same day as the Parish Council meets - the second Thursday of the month. It stops outside the Post Office - from 2.00 to 6.OOpm and the Staff are there to answer questions that might arise. We do seem to have had more than our fair shore of 'non welcome' visitors of late so everybody must ensure that their possessions are secure - particularly motor vehicles.

The Councillors, in their discussions on the Budget for next year, expressed concern with the costs of maintaining the Children's Play Area. It is obviously important that the area is safe for play.
Considerable expense is incurred with the repair of the play items but one very expensive item is the base which is desperately in need of the wood chips being topped up.
The cost of the material alone is more than 12% of the Council's total annual budget and if we have to pay for it to be laid that will be considerably more.
Arrangements are in hand for the supply of the material, but any persons who feel that they could assist with the task of spreading it around, are invited to contact the Parish Clerk - Jim Ruddock on 556 263. (If you can not get him try me on 471 342 and I will see that the Clerk gets your name).
Here is an opportunity for parents, and others, to give a hand to ensure that the Play Area is maintained safely.

Last month mention was made of a possible visit from Bovington of an Officer to talk about the use of the road by the school. As of the date I write this, we have received no reply from the said Officer.
That is not to say that he will not appear at our meeting on Thursday 8th November, so if you are interested to hear him please do come along.Ven.Graham Roblin OBE during the past nine years and wished he and Mrs Roblin their best wishes for a very happy retirement.

November 2001

The previously announced visit by the Army to the Parish Council took place as planned.
The Garrison Staff Officer accompanied by the Garrison Sergeant Major explained the training requirements for the drivers of the tracked vehicles that one sees frequently. Clearly they, that is the Army, are concerned for the safety of everybody and in particular the school children.
To this end they have agreed not to drive in the vicinity of the school at assembly and dispersal times.
The Colonel did warn the Council that though he can order the Bovington Garrison vehicles to abide by certain times, there are other Units that send vehicles through the area who are unaware of the restrictions.
He therefore requested tolerance by all concerned.

The Inquiry into the Local Plan will have resumed when this magazine is published. With all the coming and goings of the Holton Heath and A351 it is worth Bere Regis parishioners keeping an eye on the proceedings.

The Council is open to suggestions concerning the commemoration of the Queens Jubilee. If we are to commemorate the event it needs some foresight and effort.
The Council is looking for both!

The Council in deciding items for the Budget, have included a sum of money to enable all of the children in their final year at the School to attend the Streetwise Centre in Bournemouth.
It is to hoped that this will be an ongoing commitment of the Council so that in due course all of our children at the School will have attended the Centre before going on to their Middle Schools.
The Centre is designed to draw attention of attendees to normal everyday hazards and in so doing to learn about preventing accidents.

The County Councillor attended the meeting and spoke of the speeding traffic on Rye Hill.
It is most unlikely that a fixed speed camera will be sited there but there will probably be more visits by the Police using the laser gun.
He spoke of the Trigon waste site and how the application had not received support from the Purbeck Council. He spoke in the debate and aired his disapproval of disposal by landfill.

The Police Community Support unit visit to the Village is being changed to Wednesdays.
The next visit will be on 5th December from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. In addition there will be an opportunity to have valuable Christmas gifts marked e.g. bicycles, riding tack etc on 2nd January 2002 from 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.

The Council has been advised of a Government scheme, TOP (Taxhelp for Older People), to assist elderly people to complete their tax forms. If any person, over the age of sixty, has problem with their self assessment tax forms then they only have to call 0845 601 3321 - this is a local charge number.
The matter can then be resolved over the phone or an appointment for an independent adviser to meet you at Turberville Court during their tax surgery.
The service is free and if one is worried about the cost of the phone then you only have to give your number on first calling and they will call you back. Copies of details are held by the PIP Group and further information about the scheme is included on page

Shortly after this magazine is published it is hoped that the Village will be alive with the bright lights on the Christmas Trees which the Council distributes each year.
The Chairman, Mr Lionel Street, and all of the Councillors wish the Parishioners a very happy and peaceful Christmas.

December 2001

The December meeting was attended by one of the Sergeants at Wareham Police.
He updated the Council on the local crimes and answered Councillors' questions on matters.
One that arose was the Ford Sierra that had been parked at the entrance to the Village for the best part of three weeks.
It was, one might suggest, proudly wearing 'Police Aware' stickers but then so were many others aware!
Suggestions of 'obstruction' were met with responses that it was not causing an obstruction.
The fact that the vehicle was still taxed precludes it from removal - until the tax expires.
The Sergeant was told of efforts to get the said vehicle removed by the Council but again until the tax expired they were unable to take action.
It seems a crazy world that sees an injustice in removing an eyesore that could be the cause of a problem one night.

Our County Councillor reported that the average speed in the 40mph zone over Rye Hill had reduced only slightly since the installation of the limit and he has asked that the mobile speed sensing team visit the area on a random basis.

The County Council has yet to make up its mind about the Trigon clay workings for use as a landfill site.
They have twice put off the date for their meeting which is now to be on the 4th January 2002 with a decision on the 18th January.

The District Council is intending to repeat its consultation concerning the Budget for the coming year.
They will be at the Drax Hall on Wednesday l 6th January 2002.
If you have thoughts on the Council Tax and on services provided by the Council then this is a meeting that you can make your thoughts known.

The Parish Council expressed their delight with the displays of Christmas trees and lights this year.
There have been many favourable comments and the Council is grateful to all people who have taken part in decorating their houses this year.
The Chairman, Mr Lionel Street, and all of the Councillors wish the Parishioners a very happy and peaceful Christmas.