Bere Regis Village Website

Village Historical Aerial Views

We have 2,004 Photographs & 29 Paintings / Drawings in several Galleries...
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Village in 1963

This great Photograph shows the whole area behind the southern side of West Street that would, over the next few decades be developed...

Village in 1933

This fascinating view shows the main part of the village in the summer. The prominent road near the bottom of the picture is South Brook and we are looking North-East. The houses along West Street show clearly and the expansive area of the cross-roads

Village in 1963

You can see the old wooden buildings at the bottom of Butt Lane in this Photograph...


Look at those lovely vegatable gardens below the church

The bottom of West Street from the West in 1963

The bottom of West Street from the West in 1963. This is a clear shot of the Petrol Station on the South side of West Street...

Photograph courtesy of John Pitfield

The Village in June 1956

Detail of the area to the South of West Street in 1963.

This is a close up of some ground just behind the south side of West Street...

Photograph courtesy of Britain From Above

Shitterton & Shitterton Wood from the South East in 1930

Photograph courtesy of Britain From Above

Shitterton Wood from the West in 1930

Photograph courtesy of Britain From Above

Shitterton Wood from the North West in 1930

Photograph courtesy of Britain From Above

Shitterton Wood from the South West in 1930

The Village in 1972

This Photograph was taken for Dorset County Council

West of the Church in 1963

This Photograph clearly shows the old Coachworks & next door to them, the Methodist Chapel...

Aerial Photograph of Woodbury Hill in the 1930's

What a quiet place it seems compared to its heyday...

The Village after WW2

This Photograph was taken by the RAF on 11th April 1947. Reference number CPE/UK/1974 1349

Photograph courtesy of John Pitfield

The Village from 10,000ft on 18th February 1970

Photograph courtesy of John Pitfield

The Village from about 9,000ft in June 1947