Bere Regis Village Website
Bere Regis Website

Covid-19 Community Help and information for Bere Regis

December 2021
Have you heard about the latest change to fit notes (medical certificates/sick notes)
For periods of sickness which started on or after 10th December employees can now self certify for the first 28 days (including weekends and non-working days), which means that a doctor's certificate is not required until from day 29 onwards. Employers are being asked to accept self certification for the first 28 days and therefore our GPs are not able to provide notes within the first 28 days of an absence.
All requests for fit notes are being processed by our GPs through the eConsult system, and we hope that the eConsult request form will be updated to reflect the 28 days although as this guidance is so new it is currently still saying 7 days.Click here
December 2021
*** News from Bere Regis Surgery ***
Do you have a child aged 12 – 15 who hasn’t yet had a COVID vaccination?
We have a clinic at the Surgery on Wednesday 22nd December for this age group.
Please contact Reception (01929 471268) if you would like to book an appointment for your child (if they have had COVID they will need to be 12 weeks post virus) or to advise us if you don’t want your child vaccinated.
Thank you
December 2021
As all of our lives continue to be impacted by Coronavirus, residents are reminded that the Parish Covid-19 helpline number 07745 796118, is still operational for anyone in need of help within the local community.
Further information about Covid-19 and support available within the wider community is available on theBriantspuddle Community website, Dorset Council website, and the NHS.


EMAIL: If you wish to contact us by email please use the following address:

Please do not include any sensitive information in the subject line.

Covid Boosters

We are sending Covid 19 booster invitations to our patients aged 75+ when their booster is due (26 weeks from the 2nd jab).

All other patients will be invited for their booster via NHS England.

Boosters can be booked by calling 119 or by using the National Booking System.

Details will be on your letter.

Thursday 4 November 2021, 15.30 – 18.30


If you have a medical need during this time please phone 111.

If you have a medical emergency, phone 999



These are still being served from the outside window.

The tent has now been removed so if bad weather is forecast, don’t forget your brolly!

October 2021
*** News from Bere Regis Surgery***
We are sending Covid booster invitation letters to our patients who are 75 years + when they are due their booster (at least 26 weeks after the 2nd jab). 
All other patients will receive a letter from NHS England when the booster is due. 
You can book your booster at the Wareham Hospital hub by calling 119 or by contacting the National Booking System.
All details will be on your letter.

16th July 2021

We are making some changes to our initial COVID safety measures in order to continue providing you a safe environment in which to be seen.
If you feel you have CORONAVIRUS symptoms, please DO NOT come to the Surgery. 
Phone 111 who will provide you with further advice.
Our front door will now be open but the dispensary hatch in the waiting room remains closed.
• Please continue to contact us by phone for appointments and queries to alleviate queuing at the front desk.
• Please sanitise your hands using the hand sanitiser at the door before entering the building.
• Please continue to bring a mask, visor or face covering with you.

This will help keep you and our staff protected as we are unable to keep to social distancing rules due to the layout of the building.
• We request only 1 patient at a time in the marked area at the Reception desk. 
If someone is already stood there, please wait outside.
• We have 4 chairs for patients to wait in the waiting room.

Once these are full you will have to remain outside.
• We are closed Monday and Thursday lunchtime from 13.30 - 14.00 so our staff can be briefed on the latest Coronavirus updates.
• If you require a Fit note or have a non-urgent issue, please use the e-consult facility available on the front page of this website Click here.

Medication can be collected from the window in the car park at the rear of the Surgery
ü Daily from 09.30- 11.30 
ü Monday, Tuesday and Friday evenings 15.30 - 17.30
ü Wednesday afternoons 14.00 - 15.30
ü Thursday evenings 15.30 - 18.00

This is to help our dispensers ensure your medication is ready when you come to collect it and to reduce queuing.


Updates and advice on coronavirus, including help if you are struggling financially


BereConnect Volunteers.
Our volunteers continue to provide a wonderful service, collecting and delivering prescriptions for people in isolation, and undertaking occasional shopping trips for those who can’t get out.
All the volunteers deserve our thanks for being ready and willing to undertake these tasks.
If you need any help from our volunteers, Brenda is the coordinator on 01929 471255.

BereConnect Food Bank.
Our local food bank continues to be run by Pop in Place volunteers led by Alison Bennett.
They have asked me to give a huge thank you to all those who have donated through the boxes in the village shop, and outside the Drax Hall and the Church.
Thanks are also due to residents in Briantspuddle and Affpuddle, whose food gifts are added to ours. About a dozen parcels are being provided every week, so please continue to give if you can.
At present, the food bank has sufficient of the basics such as rice, pasta and UHT milk, but would welcome gifts of baked beans, crisps, cereal bars and other snacks for children, and biscuits and part-baked bread.
Congratulations, too, to Pop in Place for their community initiative this week in handing out about 80 parcels of tea and biscuits to older residents.
If you need the help of the food bank please make contact on 01929 472023 or email

BereConnect Emergency Fund.
The fund has made 4 loans so far. If you need a loan please don’t hesitate to contact for help and advice.

BereConnect Buddy Scheme.
If you are feeling cut off and need a friendly voice to chat to, call Liz on 01929 471878 or 07956 914075 to join the Buddy Scheme.
I should also mention here, the ‘Give What You Can; Take What You Need’ food exchange box which is outside the school, and was initiated by the school staff, which is very well used and much appreciated.
Finally, outside the scope of BereConnect, but, I know, greatly appreciated by all of us in Bere, I must thank the Moorse families and the village shop team, Amanda and Kevin Crocker at Rye Hill Farm and Janette and the team at the Post Office for all their efforts on our behalf at this difficult time.
Ian Ventham

We are advised that criminals are posing as Council officials or NHS staff to either gain entry to private residences, or to make monetary gain by charging householders for errands, we would therefore like to advise you once again to be vigilant to these attempts and to say NO to cold callers.

BCP and Dorset Councils do not send anyone to your home to offer services such as shopping or running errands to collect medicines etc.
without making a pre-arranged appointment to visit and carry out the service and their volunteers will never enter your home.

Similarly the NHS is not carrying out house to house visits.

Although it is difficult whilst maintaining social distancing, you still need to check the id of anyone calling at your home. 
Ask them to hold it to a window so that you can view it and if you are still unsure, please ring the organisation to check that the caller is legitimate – use the number on a bill or from the phone book, not a number the visitor provides.

Do not allow anyone into your home unless it is an emergency.

Do not give your bank card to anyone offering to do shopping for you; most shops will allow you to make payment directly to them when you place your order. 
Volunteers are advised not to take credit or debit cards from the person they are running errands for.

If you need help with essential services because you are unable to get out you can request assistance from your local council.

BCP Council – Phone 0300 123 7052 or complete the online form

Dorset Council – Phone: 01305 221000 or email

Please remain vigilant and stay safe.

Elaine Ryan
Resilient Community Co-ordinator
Dorset Police

Childline: 0800 1111 -

Samaritans: 116 123 -

Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247 -

Mind: 0300 123 3393 -

Age UK: 0800 169 6565 -

La Leche League: 0345 1202918 (for mums struggling to get formula milk) -

9th april 2020
Advice from the surgery

Please take great care with everything you take into your home and remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling food deliveries, milk bottles, Amazon boxes or books or toys from another home.

If you leave things out for collection, please ensure they have been cleaned down with antiseptic/mild bleach solution before doing so to reduce the potential risk for transmission.

12th April


BereConnect Easter Update

This is a summary of where we are with the main elements of BereConnect, the Bere Regis community response mechanisms we managed to put in place three weeks ago, just as the Government announced the restrictions we are all living under.

BereConnect Volunteers.

There are now about 50 volunteers in the group, all being coordinated by Brenda House, who are collecting and delivering prescriptions, doing shopping trips for those who are in self-isolation and connecting as Buddies to people in isolation.

Actually, the demand for shopping trips was a bit less than we anticipated, possibly because most people very sensibly enlisted the help of good neighbours and friends.

If you need some shopping done, or some fetching and carrying, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The volunteers are eager to help.

Call Brenda on 471255

BereConnect Food Bank

is operating out of the Drax Hall.

It has been stocked with purchases made possible by the Emergency Fund.

It is supplying a number of families on a regular basis.

Any food or household or sanitary product donations will be gratefully received in the boxes at the Drax Hall and by the Church porch.

After Easter there will be a box in the Spar shop, with thanks to Mike Moorse.

If you need a food parcel, email or phone 472023.

BereConnect Emergency Fund.

The appeal has raised £5125.

Over £700 has so far been disbursed as loans and to buy food for the food bank.

If you are in financial distress, email in complete confidence.


BereConnect Buddy Scheme.

If you are feeling isolated and want to connect by telephone with a friendly voice, call Liz on 471878 or 07956 914075

The Give What You Can, Take What You Need box

is in regular use, outside the school.

Please continue to top it up, and take from it.

I noticed a bottle of wine in there a few days ago!

Finally, and most importantly,

If you know of anybody you think might need help, please don’t hesitate to contact any of us so that we can get in touch with them.

9th April 2020


Advice from the surgery

COVID 19 is unlikely to cause a serious illness in children, but please remember children can still become seriously unwell from other causes that are always around.

Please do not let concerns over COVID19 stop you from contacting medical services.

If you are not sure if your child needs to be seen please go to for advice or contact 111 or your GP.

For information about crying babies go to 

If your child is severely unwell call 999 or go to Accident and Emergency


25th March


Supporting and  Shielding Vulnerable Residents

As part of the  Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been announced that a new Local Support System will be developed to make sure those individuals self-isolating at home and who are without a support network of friends and family can receive basic groceries.

The Government is working with a partnership of the groceries industry, local government, local resilience and emergency partners, and voluntary groups, to ensure that essential items can start to be delivered as soon as possible to those who need it.

All local authorities are awaiting detailed guidance in respect of these arrangements for the Local Support System and Local “Hubs”.

I have been told that anyone who offers themselves as a volunteer from Bere Regis, will probably be referred back to our own BereConnect volunteer network.

We will keep you updated when we know more:

COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable


Dorset Council information website here  (opens in new window)



Click or tap images below to enlarge

To get your information added to this page (or removed) click here

31st March


From Wednesday 1st April the cost of a prescription increases to £9.15 per item.

This will mean we will have to use much more change so we have made the decision to accept contactless card payments only for prescription payments.

Cash will still be accepted if you don't have a contactless card.

From Monday 6 April we will be changing the times you can collect your medication.

This is to enable the staff to keep on top of all the requests coming in and should alleviate you having to wait when you come to collect.

These new times are 09.30 - 11.30 and 15.30 - 17.30

Firstly thank you to all our patients for waiting patiently in the car park and keeping their social distance.

It's very much appreciated.

As time ticks by and social distancing and lock down progresses we will be making changes to our dispensary service and the way we communicate with our patients.

We will continue to post messages on this fabulous forum alongside our own Practice website but we are mindful not all patients have access to social media.

If you have a friend or family member who is unable to see our messages we would be grateful if they could be passed on.

We will also be making short announcements by mobile phone.

Please ensure we have your current number.

This can be updated via our website.




Here is an advice note from Dr Jackson at Bere Regis Surgery

The most important thing to remember is that the vast majority of patients who get infected with coronavirus have only mild symptoms and recover within 7 days.

The most effective way to slow the spread of this virus if for individuals to take responsibility for recognising the signs of infection (persistent dry cough and/or a temperature greater than 37.8 degrees) and self-isolate for 7days and not to visit or contact medical services unless your symptoms are worsening and particularly if you have problems breathing.

We will be trying to run the surgery as ‘normally’ as possible however we will expect to do more telephone triage to ensure that we are seeing those most at need and not exposing our more vulnerable patients to the risk of infection.

We are suspending the Wednesday Walk-In surgery and will be doing telephone triage in its place.

We will be closed every day between 13.30 and 14.00 for a staff briefing whilst the situation remains so changeable.

We will be taking guidance from the website and would urge others to use this and the website as a source of information on how to self-isolate, how to avoid cross infection and how to self-manage mild to moderate symptoms associated with the coronavirus infection.


Message from Bere Regis Surgery


Bere Regis Dispensary - We are open as usual but we are now redirecting patients to the Reception window at the rear of the building to collect their medication.

To ease the increasing pressure from patients on our dispensing staff we maintain that patients should collect their medication as usual; we are not dispensing medication before the due date and we will continue to dispense one month at a time;, there is no need to stockpile.

If there are any patients who are unable to collect their medication we have a list of volunteers who are able to help - please let us know.

For anyone who has to sign for their medication we would be grateful if you could bring your own pen!. Thank you.

Stay safe, stay well

23rd March 2020


We now have some staff self isolating which means we are short staffed.

It would help us tremendously if:

You only come to collect your medication IF IT IS DUE.

It will not be ready for you if it isn't and you will be turned away.

Looking for your medication when it isn't ready also holds up the queue.

You could write on a large piece of paper, in large writing who you are collecting medication for.

This will help us to reduced contact and open the reception window less, keeping the staff warmer.

Thank you to all our Patients who in the majority are turning up in good spirits and are being very patient with us in these difficult times

24th March

News from St John the Baptist Church

It is with a heavy heart that we have had to shut the church for the foreseeable future, this is a time like no other and yet there are signs all around of the wonders of community spirit, helping the older members of our village and the vulnerable.

There are also the wonderful signs of spring appearing and the chance to take some time out in our beautiful countryside.

Do not feel alone, do ask for help and know that God is with us in the midst of this strange new world we are living in.

If you would like a chat or someone to pray with please ring me 01929 792235, if you have to leave a message I will get back to you.

Blessings Rev Sandra


23rd March

Pet Welfare

In line with other the Pm’s announcement tonight, most vet practices in the local area are now running as an emergency service only with skeleton staff, call for more advice if you are not sure as to whether you need an appointment for your pet should they become unwell.

A lot have implemented telemedicine and other modern day alternatives to try and still provide a service to you in these troubling times.

28th March

Post Office update:

After considering our options we have decided to reduce the hours down even further for being open to 9am-1pm Monday to Friday.

We will still continue with the one to one appointments as they are being used more and more so please just call to book.

We will also no longer be opening the Post Office but will be serving through the window due to the need for social distancing.

Unfortunately some people do not think this applies to them and because of this they are putting myself, staff and my family at risk and this cannot happen.

Thank you for your understanding


Bere Regis Sports Club

Following the suspension of all grass roots activity in both football and cricket, and the suspension of local pool and darts leagues, the social facilities at Bere Regis Sports Club will remain closed until further notice.

We cannot ask volunteers to operate the bar under current circumstances and acknowledge that other establishments in the village are operated by employed staff.

Stay as fit and healthy as you can!

Here are some useful numbers for older people who are isolated, sometimes it helps to talk and Silver Line is great for this .

As some of the people living alone and older people don't have internet this is something you can pass on to your neighbours.

It can be helpful to know who you can call, especially if someone’s feeling isolated.

For practical information and advice, call Age UK Advice: 0800 169 65 65

For a cheerful chat, day or night, call Silver Line: 0800 470 80 90                              

Bere Regis Chapel

We at Bere Regis Chapel have temporarily suspended all services of all kinds, in order to protect our vulnerable members, and to follow government guidelines regarding social distancing.

We as a church recognise that this is a worrying and distressing time for a lot of people. In acknowledgment of that, we can offer the local community two services.

Firstly, if anybody would like the church to pray for them, they can either contact me confidentially, or write to the church anonymously.

Secondly, if there are people who just need a chat, perhaps who live on their own and are isolated, then please feel free to contact me and I can phone you.

Stay safe!

Phone: 07853620648


Address: Bere Regis Congregational church, Butt Lane, Bere Regis, BH20 7HZ


Lee Ward Electrical (Trusted Trader)

Over the coming weeks and months ahead which will be difficult for everyone, in particular the elderly and vulnerable, I wanted (as an electrician) to offer to do my bit in regards to helping in some small way.

If you, a family member, or neighbour is elderly and/or a vulnerable person with an electrical installation fault, power cut/loss, or require a much needed small electrical job doing I wanted to offer you my support and labour services completely free of charge through these difficult times ahead.

Obviously safety comes first of which this will be subject to the latest Government advice regarding safe isolation and lock down protocols.

I’m offering this without wanting anything in return other than to help those who may need it the most free of charge during these difficult times.

I will do what I can to help where possible.

My 24 hour number is 07773 342665 of which you can phone or text message.

With best wishes, Lee.


Pop In Place

Due to infection Control The Pop In Place have cancelled the following Events….

Easter Bonnet workshop at the Pop In Place Friday 3rd April

Good Friday Easter Fun Morning 10th April

Pop In Place AGM Friday 24th April

Pop In Place Village Quiz Tuesday 19th May 7.30

Pop In Place Summer Show

Pop In Place Cafe is now closed until the all clear from the Government.