This Map forms part of the process undertaken by the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836. Most of the maps were completed in the 1840s. The main task of this act, and the commissioners appointed as a result, was the replacement of Tithe payment in kind, with a system which calculated a monetary value for individual parcels or apportionments of land. To achieve this the land of each parish had to be surveyed in order to establish the titheable value.
Tithes were a tenth part of all produce, stock or clear profit from a particular piece of land.
Tithe payments were made to the tithe-owner(s), which was often the Church, though lords of manors were also included.
After the Reformation land, and the tithes due on it, previously in the possession of the Church was granted to lay owners, called Improprietors.
Three copies of each Tithe map were produced: one for the diocesan registry, one for the parish and the Commissioner's copy. Worcestershire Record Office holds surviving parish and diocesan copies, the Tithe Commissioners' copies are held at The National Archives in Kew.
Click above image to go to the The Tithe Apportionments tables
The Tithe Apportionments (above) gives information about the land owner, the tenant, the name or description of the land, the land use and the rent paid for every piece of land in the parish. The original Tithe Apportionment documents were often stitched to the maps and kept rolled up with them, making them quite difficult to use. Further information about the Tithe Survey (and many other subjects) can be found on the National Archives web site in the research section where a Tithes Research Guide is available.