The Parish Council met on Thursday 9th January 2025 in the Village Hall. 1 member of the public was present, together with our Ward Councillor Laura Beddow. Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for public participation at the start. If you are unable to attend but wish to submit a comment or question, please contact the Clerk or any member of the Parish Council. VE Day Anniversary Thursday 8th May 2025 marks the 80th Anniversary of VE Day. Cllr Jackie Percy will be co-ordinator this event on behalf of the Parish Council. If you, or a group you belong to, are planning to hold an event for VE Day, please let her know. If there is sufficient support, the Parish Council will draw up a flier to go to every household in the parish listing all the events that are happening, when and where they will be taking place. You can contact Cllr Percy on .
Community Hall update
We have now received a response from Natural England – the body that oversees Common Land. They have been very helpful and supportive and given detailed information regarding the Section 38 we had hoped to apply for. However, they have made it clear that they will not support any form of development on Souls Moor. They have indicated that the Scout Hut site may be more amenable to them but there would still be a great many details that need to be considered and other statutory bodies that need to be consulted. At the same time, a response has also been received from Dorset Wildlife Trust offering the Parish Council, or other appropriate body, the opportunity to consider the purchase of a long lease on a plot within the development area of Court Farm. The Parish Council will continue to pursue both options at this stage.
Tree works
As many may have noticed, one of the pillars in the cemetery wall is beginning to crumble. This is as a direct result of the tree growth alongside it in the cemetery. It has got to the stage now that it is necessary to undertake some fairly drastic work involving the removal of the Ash tree and the adjacent laurel in order for the work to be undertaken on the wall. As soon as the work is completed, we will look at planting a more appropriate tree or shrub.
Traffic Surveys
In October 2024, four traffic surveys were undertaken around the village. The results are now in and will be available shortly on the Parish Council website.
Play Park
The current structures continue to deteriorate and it is becoming more important that a replacement park is built. However, in order to do this, volunteers are needed to undertake the work of fund raising, consultation and deciding what should be put there. If we do not get the volunteers, this will not happen. If you are able to spare some time for this valuable village asset, please contact Cllr Sam Bardwell on
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13th February 2025 commencing 7pm at the Village Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion, please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council. A full copy of the minutes is available on the Parish Council website.