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April 2018                            April 2018

                                      THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and

 DATES FOR                          AFFPUDDLE with TURNERSPUDDLE

    YOUR DIARY                              Reverend Canon Charles Masheder
                                         The Vicarage,  West Street, Bere Regis,

                                                                     BH20 7HQ
 2018                                                            01929 472883

                                                                Our Mission:
 5th   Mothers’ Union Christmas Party      2.00 p.m.
                                               To encourage awareness of the
 11th   Floral Group Christmas Lunch, Athelhampton
                                              presence of God through worship
 12th   Autumn Leaves, Christmas Afternoon
                                                            music and the arts;
 14th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      7.00pm
 15th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      2.00pm   To encourage everyone in the
 17th   Pop in Place Christmas Party, Lower Hall      2.00pm   Christian faith through example,
                                                  learning and spiritual growth;
 19th   WI, Christmas Festivities   Our Vision:
        To make Christ’s love                  To make our churches open and
        known in the world today            welcoming to all, and supportive of
        and to live out his teaching                            those in need;

 ADVERTISING RATES                          To challenge injustice at home and
       A LETTER FROM                       abroad and to balance our care for
 for the year 2018                                            the environment.
 (Cheques to be made payable to Bere Regis PCC)
 Rates for charitable, community or non-profit organisations are charged at 50% of above.
       My dear Friends,
 Full year advertising is based on complete calendar years.  Adverts inserted for part
       Which  is  your  favourite  season  of  the  year?  I  have  often  asked  children  that
 years are charged at a pro-rata rate of the full year cost.  Full year advertisers are
       question and got the answer of winter, then with people in their 20s to their 40s it is
 automatically included on both village websites.   frequently autumn but later in life we usually find the greatest joy in Spring. Well
       this year March, traditionally the first month of Spring, certainly ‘came in as a lion’
 Full page, full year   £247   Full page, one month   £35.00
       as the saying goes and  we shall have to see whether it ‘goes out like a lamb’.
 Half page, full year   £150   Half page, one month   £20.00   Perhaps the analogy should be that it came in like a polar bear!
 Third page, full year   £113   Third page, one month   £15.00   It is so very appropriate that we should be returning to our Parish Church for our
       Easter services. Easter is all about moving into a new dimension. We do a great
 Quarter page, full year   £93   Quarter page, one month   £12.00
       disservice to our Christian faith if we speak about Good Friday and Easter in terms
       of “oh how sad he has died; oh how good he is back to life again”. The Jesus,
 Small-ads, full year   £67   Small-ads, one month   £10.00
       who  kept  appearing  to  his  disciples  after  he  had  risen  from  the  dead,  was  no

 For all advertising enquiries, contact the Editor, details on inside back cover.   longer limited in the way he had been before he died. He was able to appear
            Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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